中央财经大学, 这个学校要比上海财经大学好的多!
排名 院校名称 所在地
1 上海财经大学 上海;
2 中南财经政法大学 湖北;
3 对外经济贸易大学 北京;
4 西南财经大学 四川;
5 中央财经大学 北京;
6 东北财经大学 辽宁;
7 江西财经大学 江西;
8 浙江工商大学 浙江;
9 首都经济贸易大学 北京;
10 北京工商大学 北京。
1, Cantabrigian university, be located at British Cambridgeshire, it is a public research university, use traditional institute to make. The school is member of group of collect element college, global old school grows forum member, be known as " school of golden triangle name " and " G5 " one of. Cantabrigian university is the 2nd ancient university in English world, predecessor is a scholastic association that established 1209. Notch be as high as 95.
2, the economics of Oxford is in the world the position of the domain is self-evident, mere economics is professional, have 4 graduate and 5 education personnel ever narrow gets nobel prize, the student that has 92% expressed the satisfaction to this major. The biggest characteristic of Oxford education is " tutorial system " .
3, Hua Wei university, hua Wei business school is known as one of business schools with best England, the major such as literature of medium, economics, business, maths, flower beauty, sociology all the time be among the best of candidates. It is one is located in England county mixes Warwick one's deceased father civil hang down the public research of city boundary university, 100 strong institution of higher learning of world.
4, Shengandelusi university, be next to Oxford and Cantabrigian university; university economics major studies Shengandelusi side overweight is practical and academic, but main concentration learns in dynamic macroeconomics, finance, innovation of domestic economics, competition awaits change to research a field compatibly.
5, courtyard of London politics study of Confusion classics, the economy of the most negative great reputation is LSE according to the Dierbao with commonly used academia university economy fastens a rank to be the whole world the 4th, according to QS the rank is the whole world the 5th, according to ARWU the rank is the whole world the 8th, according to USNews the rank is the whole world the 9th, all be Europe highest.
Present finance and economics kind university rank, fundamental condition is, university of Shanghai finance and economics, platoon of university of central finance and economics is advanced two, it is next, university of southwest finance and economics, china in university of politics and law of finance and economics, university of northeast finance and economics, it is university of Shandong finance and economics again, university of Jiangxi finance and economics, university of Tianjin finance and economics, it is again, guangzhou business school, tianjin business school, lanzhou business school, it is university of Nanjing finance and economics again, university of Yunnan finance and economics
University of central finance and economics, in south university of politics and law of finance and economics, university of Shanghai finance and economics
Rank the 1st, university of graceful heart Mu, 2 Munich university, university of 3 divisions grand...
University of the first southwest finance and economics, ranking second is Sichuan travel institute, ranking tertiary is Sichuan work business school.
University of southwest finance and economics, be located in Sichuan to save the Chengdu City, it is college of directly under of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China, country " double top-ranking " build a college, ministry of Education and Sichuan province build a college in all, country " 211 projects " and " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " build a college, selected country " 2011 plans " , " 111 plans " , excellent student education plans course of plan of training of education of outstanding law talented person, foundation innovation of undergraduate of level of plan of experiment of sex of innovation of undergraduate of 2 base, country, state does poineering work training plan, country builds Gao Shuiping the university is public send a graduate student, in Berkeley of university of alliance of Europe business school, California divides data of school international risk to analyse allied and virgin member.
Central money university of big, Beijing University, answer dawn, Nanjing, hand in on the west big
Beijing finance and economics kind of before university science department is ranked 3 is external university of university of economic commerce university, central finance and economics, capital economy commerce.
University of central finance and economics, what this school wants to learn from good examples greatly than Shanghai finance and economics is much!
University of finance and economics of Chinese alumni association was ranked 2022
Rank school name seat
Shanghai of university of 1 Shanghai finance and economics;
2 in south Hubei of university of politics and law of finance and economics;
3 external Beijing of economic commerce university;
Sichuan of university of 4 southwest finance and economics;
Beijing of university of 5 central finance and economics;
Liaoning of university of 6 northeast finance and economics;
Jiangxi of university of 7 Jiangxi finance and economics;
8 Zhejiang are industrial and commercial university Zhejiang;
Beijing of university of commerce of 9 capitals economy;
Beijing of 10 Beijing industrial and commercial university.
1, 985 schools do not have university of finance and economics, our country finance and economics kind university altogether 54, doing not have is 985.
2, but does university of 211 finance and economics basically have 5: ? Does ⒅ of А of Gou of gallopping shape of younger sister of Yun Xi wake argon by shrimp of ⑸ of Gou А 2 be fond of by heart of ⒅ of Gou А be fond of by Qia of ⑽ of А of Gou of ù by Gou А ?
3, still have university of finance and economics of university of university of university of northeast finance and economics, Jiangxi finance and economics, Zhejiang finance and economics, Shandong besides pretty good.
University of university of northeast finance and economics, Harbin business college, Jilin finance and economics. The finance and economics of Liaoning university kind major loses greatly unlike northeast money.