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生活中的法律常识? 生活法律常识书籍?英文双语对照


生活中的法律常识? 生活法律常识书籍?英文双语对照



一、如果上下班途中发生交通事故,有权向所在单位要求享受工伤待遇,包括下班时顺道买菜的情况。上下班的途中包括四中情况:  1、在合理时间内往返于工作地与住所地、经常居住地、单位宿舍的合理路线的上下班途中;  2、在合理时间内往返于工作地与配偶、父母、子女居住地的合理路线的上下班途中;  3、从事属于日常工作生活所需要的活动,且在合理时间和合理路线的上下班途中;  4、在合理时间内其他合理路线的上下班途中。  









































生活中要具备下列法律常识:一、如果上下班途中发生交通事故,有权向所在单位要求享受工伤待遇,包括下班时顺道买菜的情况。上下班的途中包括四中情况:  1、在合理时间内往返于工作地与住所地、经常居住地、单位宿舍的合理路线的上下班途中;  2、在合理时间内往返于工作地与配偶、父母、子女居住地的合理路线的上下班途中;  3、从事属于日常工作生活所需要的活动,且在合理时间和合理路线的上下班途中;  4、在合理时间内其他合理路线的上下班途中。  二、如果未满18岁的孩子夜不归宿,必须对孩子进行教育,否则就要承担相应的法律责任。  三、如果别人借您钱,您一定要他出借据,而且借款数额一定要大写。(注:诉讼时效为2年)  四、如果想要保护自己的家或其他财产,一定不要私设电网或设置毒物等,否则可能触犯危害公共安全罪。《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》第37条第一款规定:未经批准,安装、使用电网的,或者安装、使用电网不符合安全规定的,处5日以下拘留或者500元以下罚款;情节严重的,处5日以上10日以下拘留,可以并处500元以下罚款。  五、公民在赡养、工伤、刑事诉讼、请求国家赔偿和请求依法发给抚恤金等方面需要获得律师帮助,但是无力支付律师费用的,可以按照国家规定获得法律援助。  六、如果想写遗嘱,一定要注明年月日,并亲自签名。让人代书,一定要两个以上证人在场见证,代书人、见证人、遗嘱人都要签名,最好委托律师见证并执行遗嘱。  七、抚恤金、生活补助费是在死者死亡后,由国家发给死者亲属的费用,用以优抚救济死者家属中未成年人和丧失劳动能力的亲属,不属于死者的遗产,一般不能作为遗产继承。  八、民间借贷属于高风险事件,法律规定高于同期利率4倍以上的民间借贷,是不受法律保护的。如目前一年期贷款利率为6%,即民间借贷1年期利率高于24%(即月息2%)以上,高出部分不受法律保护。  九、在幼儿园、学校学习、生活的无民事行为能力人和限制民事行为能力人或者在精神病院治疗的精神病人,因这些单位没有尽到监护职责而受到伤害,这些单位应适当给予赔偿。单位有过错的,亦应适当承担责任。  














2. 宝宝的睡眠质量对其生长发育至关重要,每天应保证充足的睡眠时间。

3. 宝宝的饮食要注意均衡,多吃蔬菜、水果、全谷物等健康食品,避免过度依赖零食和油炸食品。

4. 洗澡时要注意水温和洗浴用品的选择,避免伤害宝宝的皮肤。

5. 宝宝的运动也很重要,可以进行适当的游戏和体育活动,促进肌肉和骨骼发育。



















The legal common sense in the life?

Following law common sense should have in the life:

One, if commute,traffic accident produces in road, authority asks to enjoy inductrial injury treatment to place unit, when including to come off work, suitable path buys the situation of dish. Include in commuted road 4 in circumstance: 1, go there and back at the working ground and abode ground, reasonable line that often resides dwelling place, unit dormitory inside reasonable time commute   of   of the; in road 2, go there and back at working ground and spouse, parents, children to occupy a dwelling place inside reasonable time, and in reasonable time and reasonable line commute   of   of the; in road 4, of other inside reasonable time reasonable line commute in road.   

2, if not full child night of 18 years old not a home to return to, must have education to the child, be about to assume corresponding legal responsibility otherwise.   

3, if others lends you money, you must he gives receipt for a loan, and loan amount must great. (Note: Litigant effectiveness for a given period of time is 2 years)  

4, if want to protect oneself home or other property, scarcely wants illicit set electrified wire netting or install poison to wait, may offend otherwise endanger communal and safe blame.

" management of public security of People's Republic of China sanctions a method " the 37th the first section provision: Without approval, of installation, use electrified wire netting, or installation, use electrified wire netting does not accord with safe provision, place be detained 5 days below or fine; clue 500 yuan below serious, be in 5 days of above 10 days to be detained below, can be in 500 yuan of the following amerce.   

5, the citizen is compensated for in country of lawsuit of provide for, inductrial injury, criminal, request and request to send the respect such as pension to need to obtain lawyer help lawfully, but of charge of financial insolvency lawyer, can obtain law to help according to national regulation.   

6, if want to write a will, must make clear date, sign personally. Let person allograph, must two above witness is attendant testimony, person of allograph person, eyewitness, will wants sign one's name, had better entrust a lawyer to witness and carry out a will.   

7, cost of pension, extra allowance for living expanses is to be after the dead's death, send the dead the relative's fare by the country, give special care to disabled servicemen and to family members of martyrs and servicemen of in order to relieves the minor in the dead's family member and the relative that lose labor ability, do not reside the dead's heritage, cannot accede as bequest commonly.   

8, folk is leasehold belong to high risk incident, interest rate of the corresponding period of legal provision prep above the folk of 4 times above is leasehold, do not get legal protection. Be like at present a year period loan interest rate is 6% , namely folk is leasehold 1 year period 24%(of interest rate prep above namely above of monthly interest 2%) , tower above part does not get legal protection.  

9, the restricts person of civil action competence to perhaps be treated in bughouse without support of the people of civil action competence spirit patient in nursery school, school study, life, because these units all did not arrive to guard duty and be harmed, these units should offer compensation appropriately. The unit has fault, yi Yingkuo should assume responsibility.

Book of life law common sense?

" a book understands legal common sense: Solve everyday law difficult problem "

A book understands legal common sense, did not talk about law with respect to law, pick however the actual legislation example in the life, with vivid brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy and wonderful language, the law that describes people life and working middling to encounter concerns, what give development is analytic, where to let people understand his right and obligation are in?

Where to go to?

How to do?

Make legal press close to actual, masses of life of press close to, press close to, it is the necessary jewel of knowledge of law of common people control, people thinking fors the time being use sharp weapon surely.

What does the legal little common sense in the life have?

The legal little common sense in the life has:

If 1. is minor the child meets the person, guardian must bear medical treatment cost.

2, right of inheritance is equality of men and women, married the daughter that give not to forget parental bequest has a your.

3, if be broken by the flowerpot that drops from upstairs,hurt, can tell their governor court.

4, if commute,traffic accident produces in road, authority asks to enjoy inductrial injury treatment to place unit.

5, if be detained to charter of the amerce of the executive authority, revoke, administration,wait for behavior to refuse to obey, can apply for administration to reconsider.

6, if be passed by subpoena of public security mechanism or arrest, time must not exceed 12 hours, 24 hours must not exceed below special situation.

7, if not full 18 years old get the child also not a home to return to, must have education to the child, be about to assume corresponding legal responsibility otherwise.

8, if others lends you money, you must he gives receipt for a loan, and loan amount must great. (note: Litigant effectiveness for a given period of time is 2 years)

9, if want to protect oneself fellow other property, scarcely wants illicit set electrified wire netting or install poison to wait, await otherwise will be: Endanger communal and safe blame.

10, if you become defendant, did not entrust a lawyer because of economic difficulty again, people court can appoint the lawyer that assumes law to help obligation to offer law to help for you.

The answer of the legal common sense in the life?

One: The legal little common sense in the life has:

If 1. is minor the child meets the person, guardian must bear medical treatment cost.

2, right of inheritance is equality of men and women, married the daughter that give not to forget parental bequest has a your.

3, if be broken by the flowerpot that drops from upstairs,hurt, can tell their governor court.

4, if commute,traffic accident produces in road, authority asks to enjoy inductrial injury treatment to place unit.

5, if be detained to charter of the amerce of the executive authority, revoke, administration,wait for behavior to refuse to obey, can apply for administration to reconsider.

6, if be passed by subpoena of public security mechanism or arrest, time must not exceed 12 hours, 24 hours must not exceed below special situation.

7, if not full 18 years old get the child also not a home to return to, must have education to the child, be about to assume corresponding legal responsibility otherwise.

8, if others lends you money, you must he gives receipt for a loan, and loan amount must great. (note: Litigant effectiveness for a given period of time is 2 years)

9, if want to protect oneself fellow other property, scarcely wants illicit set electrified wire netting or install poison to wait, await otherwise will be: Endanger communal and safe blame.

10, if you become defendant, did not entrust a lawyer because of economic difficulty again, people court can appoint the lawyer that assumes law to help obligation to offer law to help for you.

Should be those legal common sense had in the life?

Following law common sense should have in the life: One, if commute,traffic accident produces in road, authority asks to enjoy inductrial injury treatment to place unit, when including to come off work, suitable path buys the situation of dish. Include in commuted road 4 in circumstance: 1, go there and back at the working ground and abode ground, reasonable line that often resides dwelling place, unit dormitory inside reasonable time commute   of   of the; in road 2, go there and back at working ground and spouse, parents, children to occupy a dwelling place inside reasonable time, and in reasonable time and reasonable line commute   of   of the; in road 4, of other inside reasonable time reasonable line commute in road. 2, if not full child night of 18 years old not a home to return to, must have education to the child, be about to assume corresponding legal responsibility otherwise. 3, if others lends you money, you must he gives receipt for a loan, and loan amount must great. (Note: Litigant effectiveness for a given period of time is 2 years)   4, if want to protect oneself home or other property, scarcely wants illicit set electrified wire netting or install poison to wait, may offend otherwise endanger communal and safe blame. " management of public security of People's Republic of China sanctions a method " the 37th the first section provision: Without approval, of installation, use electrified wire netting, or installation, use electrified wire netting does not accord with safe provision, place be detained 5 days below or fine; clue 500 yuan below serious, be in 5 days of above 10 days to be detained below, can be in 500 yuan of the following amerce. 5, the citizen is compensated for in country of lawsuit of provide for, inductrial injury, criminal, request and request to send the respect such as pension to need to obtain lawyer help lawfully, but of charge of financial insolvency lawyer, can obtain law to help according to national regulation. 6, if want to write a will, must make clear date, sign personally. Let person allograph, must two above witness is attendant testimony, person of allograph person, eyewitness, will wants sign one's name, had better entrust a lawyer to witness and carry out a will. 7, cost of pension, extra allowance for living expanses is to be after the dead's death, send the dead the relative's fare by the country, give special care to disabled servicemen and to family members of martyrs and servicemen of in order to relieves the minor in the dead's family member and the relative that lose labor ability, do not reside the dead's heritage, cannot accede as bequest commonly. 8, folk is leasehold belong to high risk incident, interest rate of the corresponding period of legal provision prep above the folk of 4 times above is leasehold, do not get legal protection. Be like at present a year period loan interest rate is 6% , namely folk is leasehold 1 year period 24%(of interest rate prep above namely above of monthly interest 2%) , tower above part does not get legal protection. 9, the restricts person of civil action competence to perhaps be treated in bughouse without support of the people of civil action competence spirit patient in nursery school, school study, life, because these units all did not arrive to guard duty and be harmed, these units should offer compensation appropriately. The unit has fault, yi Yingkuo should assume responsibility.   

Child life common sense?

About cheeper life common sense includes a lot of fields, like food, Morpheus, excrete, safety. For example, cheeper should dine on time, food wants balanced; Want to assure enough Morpheus time, assure healthy; Want to notice clean sanitation when excrete; Want to notice safety in the life, if be not climbed,climb electric equipment of not altitude, optional feeling to wait.

Common sense of small town life?

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.

Infantile life common sense?

1. darling drinks water to conduce to stimulative metabolism more, maintain healthy.

2.The Morpheus quality of darling grows to its development is crucial, should assure enough Morpheus time everyday.

3.The food of darling should notice balanced, eat the healthy food such as vegetable, fruit, complete cereal more, avoid excessive count snacks and deepfry provision.

4.When bathing, should notice water washs the option of bath things blandly, avoid to harm the skin of darling.

5.The movement of darling is very significant also, can have proper game and sports activity, stimulative muscle and skeletal development.

Life safety common sense?

Go to school in road, when taking public traffic tool, should whole journey adorns guaze mask, attention and other maintain a distance.

3. is diligent wash one's hands, anteprandial hind with wash one's hands fluid or soap running water wash his hands.

When 4. cough, sneeze, shut up of block of the towel that use paper is nose, if do not have paper towel, can use elbow or dress keep out.

5. is during school, if need to be contacted with other close quarters, should adorn correctly guaze mask, narrow as far as possible territory.

6. nurturance is good work and rest. On time siesta, sleep early rise early, undertake physical training moderately, enhance a constitution.

Approve of

Life little common sense?

10 commonly used Xiaochang in the life are known

1, when sweeping the floor, a polybag is covered on broom, can suck the hair on the dwelling place effectively.

2, with last film encases the root ministry of banana, can lengthen last time.

3, an apple is put in potato caboodle, can lengthen potato deposit time.

4, cut chili ruthless method, can wash his hands with toothpaste, the result is right.

5, sweater cuff or collarband lost flexibility, can immerse cuff or collar 20 minutes in hot water, the flexibility after air can restore many.

6, hair of golden jewelry surface is old, dip in a few toothpaste is wiped gently, can become more shining.

7, the hair that has done newly, before sleeping, the filar towel with a glossy quality of a material is spread on the pillow, can help a hair effectively changeless model.

8, the flower that inserts in bottle is added in clear water a few white vinegar or blanch water, can make keep of flower longer colourfully.
