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1. 准备供奉神像的地方:选择一个清洁、安静的地方,可以是神龛、祭坛或者供桌。确保这个地方能够容纳神像,并且不会被外界干扰。

2. 准备供奉神像的物品:包括香炉、香、鲜花、水果、糖果等供品,以及蜡烛或灯具用于照明。

3. 洁净身心:在供奉之前,洗净双手,并且心怀虔诚。

4. 安放神像:将神像小心地放置在供奉的地方,可以用红布或者绸缎作为神像的底垫。

5. 点燃香烛:点燃香炉中的香,燃起蜡烛或灯具,向神明献上光明和香火。

6. 祈祷:用虔诚的心祈祷,表达对神明的敬意、感恩和祈愿。

7. 献上供品:将准备好的供品摆放在神像前,表示虔诚和感恩。

8. 感恩和告别:向神明表达感恩之情,然后结束供奉,告别神像。



The means of God of prince father consecrate is OK decide according to his religious belief and individual be fond of. Generally speaking, the means of consecrate God includes the following measure:

1.Prepare the place of consecrate God: Choose a cleanness, quiet place, can be shrine, altar or altar. Ensure this place can accommodate God, and won't be disturbed by the outside.

2.Prepare the article of consecrate God: Include the offerings such as censer, sweet, flower, fruit, candy, and the candle or lamps and lanterns use Yu Zhaoming.

3.Clean body and mind: Before consecrate, abluent both hands, and purpose is religious.

4.Put God: Place God carefully the place in consecrate, can use red cloth or the bottom mat that silks and satins regards God as.

5.Ignite joss sticks and candles: In igniting censer sweet, light a candle or lamps and lanterns, display to deities on light and burning incense.

6.Pray: Pray with devotional heart, the respect that expresses pair of deities, be thankful and invocatory.

7.Display on offerings: Put ready offerings before God, express to be mixed piously be thankful.

8.Be thankful and leave: Express the feeling that be thankful to deities, end consecrate next, leave God.

Consecrate God is a kind of devotional behavior, can help people and deities establish connection, express devoir and belief.
