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1. **高于一切**: 佛像应该摆放在房间中最高的地方,以表示对佛陀的尊敬和崇敬。

2. **正对门**: 最好将佛像放置在房间的主要门口或入口的对面,以示迎接和保护。

3. **清净整洁**: 供奉佛像的地方应该保持整洁清净,避免杂物混杂。

4. **避免厕所对冲**: 佛像不宜直对着厕所,这会破坏气场,有损心灵的平静。

5. **不与日常杂物混放**: 最好不要把佛像和日常杂物混放在一起,给予佛像一个特别的空间。

6. **尊重心诚**: 在摆放佛像的时候,心诚尊重是最重要的,而具体的摆放方式则可以根据个人的信仰和传统有所调整。



Of figure of Buddha of consecrate is in the home put have a few basic principles normally:

1.** prep above all ** : Figure of Buddha should put highest in the room place, esteem in order to state the respect to Buddha is mixed.

2.** ** of face each other: On had better place figure of Buddha the main entrance that is in a room or entrance, be received in order to show and protect.

3.** is kosher and neat ** : The place of consecrate figure of Buddha should keep neat and peace and quiet, avoid sundry and jumbly.

4.** avoids a toilet to be opposite strong ** : Figure of Buddha shoulds not be straight to the toilet, this meeting destroys gas field, have the calm of caustic heart.

5.** not with daily and sundry mix put ** : Had better not mix figure of Buddha daily and sundry mix put together, give figure of Buddha a special space.

6.** respects a heart sincere ** : When putting figure of Buddha, heart sincere esteem is the most important, and it is OK to put way specificly adjust somewhat according to the individual's belief and tradition.

These principles can regard consecrate as the reference when figure of Buddha, but put way specificly or should decide according to individual circumstance and belief.
