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1. **主位**:主位通常是供奉最尊贵的神灵或先祖的位置,应该放在地宫的正中央或者最显眼的位置。

2. **左右次序**:在主位的左右两侧,可以按照重要性或者年长顺序摆放其他牌位,比如子女、亲属、贵宾等。

3. **上下次序**:如果有多层牌位,可以按照上下次序进行摆放,比如先摆放上层的先祖或神灵,然后再摆放下层的子孙或信徒。

4. **距离与间隔**:牌位之间的距离和间隔应该适中,避免显得拥挤或者杂乱。

5. **配饰与摆设**:可以根据个人喜好或者信仰习惯,摆放一些配饰或者供品,比如鲜花、香烛、水果等,以示尊敬和祈福。



The way that memorial tablet of ground palace consecrate puts should be mixed according to the individual's belief consuetudinary will decide. Generally speaking, memorial tablet can put according to the following means:

1.** advocate ** : Advocate it is consecrate normally the most exalted deities or first ancestor the position, should put in the position with the most conspicuous perhaps midpoint of ground palace.

2.** controls order ** : Be in advocate or so two side, can according to importance old perhaps order puts other memorial tablet, for instance children, relative, honoured guest.

3.Order ** falls on ** : If have multilayer memorial tablet, can undertake putting according to fluctuation order, put superstratum first for instance first ancestor or deities, put lower descendants or believer again next.

4.** distance and removed ** : The distance between memorial tablet and interval should moderate, avoid to appear crowded mixed and disorderly perhaps.

5.** deserves to act the role of with decoration ** : Can according to individual be fond of devotional perhaps habit, put a few match act the role of or offerings, for instance flower, joss sticks and candles, fruit, in order to show respect and pray good fortune.

The most important is, put memorial tablet to ought to be respected and accord with familial or the individual's tradition and belief, with showing devoir is mixed devotional.
