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1. **选择合适的花材**:选择鲜艳、清新的花朵,如白兰花、牡丹、莲花等。也可以选择一些花瓣形状美丽的花卉,如洋桔梗、康乃馨等。

2. **合理搭配花材**:尽量选择几种不同颜色和形状的花卉进行搭配,使得整个供花显得丰富多彩。可以使用绿叶或小枝作为衬托,增加层次感。

3. **注意花器选择**:选择适合供奉佛花的花瓶或花器,最好是素雅的器皿,不要选择过于花俏或夸张的款式,以免过于喧宾夺主。

4. **保持清洁和整洁**:定期更换花水,保持花器的清洁,避免花叶落在花器外面。整理花束时,注意让花朵和叶子排列整齐,避免凌乱。

5. **注重布置位置**:将供花放在一个整洁、明亮、干净的地方,最好是远离直接阳光的地方,避免花朵过早枯萎。



When consecrate Buddha is spent, can consider the following to let it look more beautiful:

1.** chooses appropriate beautiful material ** : Choose bright-coloured, pure and fresh flower, wait like white orchid, peony, lotus. Also can choose the painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of beauty of a few petaline appearance, the root of balloonflower that be like ocean, carnation.

2.** reasonable collocation spends material ** : The painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style that chooses a few kinds of different color and figure as far as possible undertakes collocation, make whole appear for the flower rich and colorful. Can use greenery or rod to regard as foil, add administrative levels touch.

3.** notices a flower implement choice ** : The vase that chooses to suit consecrate Buddha to spend or flower implement, had better be the household utensils of simple but elegant, do not choose too beautiful spruce or exaggerated design, lest too a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role.

4.** maintains cleanness and neat ** : Change regularly beautiful water, maintain a flower implement clean, avoid Hua Xie to fall in the flower implement outside. When arranging bouquet, the attention lets flower and leaf arrange orderly, avoid messy.

5.** pays attention to ** of cloth set buy: Will put in a neat, bright, clean place for the flower, had better be the place that is far from direct sunlight, avoid flower premature wither.

The attention that when passes above, can make consecrate Buddha beautiful look more beautiful and dignified.
