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1. 设置供桌:在家中选择一个安静的地方,摆放供桌,上面摆放香炉、鲜花、水果、茶水等供品。
2. 点香炉:在供奉时点燃香炉,以表示虔诚之心。
3. 点香拜拜:在供奉时可以跪拜或合十,表达敬意,并向地主姥爷菩萨祈求保佑和庇佑。
4. 祭拜供品:将准备好的水果、茶水等供品摆放在供桌上,并祭拜地主姥爷菩萨。
5. 心诚诵经:可以诵读佛经或念诵愿文,以表达诚挚的心意和虔诚的祈愿。



The means of consecrate of Bodhisattva of landlord Lao father can be mixed according to the individual's belief the habit will undertake. Normally the practice includes:
1.Install altar: A quiet place chooses in the home, put credence, the offerings such as censer, flower, fruit, boiled water is put above.
2.Dot censer: Censer is ignited when consecrate, in order to represent devotional heart.
3.Nod Xiangbaibai: OK when consecrate worship on bended knees or put the palms together, expressive devoir, petition to bless and bless to Bodhisattva of landlord Lao father.
4.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to offerings: Put the offerings such as ready fruit, boiled water go up in altar, and hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to Bodhisattva of landlord Lao father.
5.Heart sincere Song classics: Can chant sutra or recite wish civil, with expression cordial intention is mixed devotional invocatory.

As a whole, the means of Bodhisattva of father of consecrate landlord Lao is through putting offerings, drop Xiangbaibai and sincere desire pray will express religious purpose and belief.
