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1. **清洁准备**:选择一个安静的地方,清洁桌面或供台,并准备一些香烛、水果、花束等供品。

2. **燃香点烛**:点燃香烛,表示对佛祖的敬意和祈祷。可以选择香烛或花炉。

3. **献供品**:摆放水果、鲜花、茶水等供品在供台上,表示对佛祖的虔诚和感恩之情。

4. **诚心祷告**:闭目祷告,表达对佛祖的敬意、祈求和感谢之情。可以用心诵读经文或默念祈祷。

5. **虔诚礼拜**:可以合十礼佛,跪拜或行礼,表示对佛祖的尊敬和信仰。

6. **持续修行**:除了日常供奉,也可以通过持续的修行、善行来实践佛祖的教义,如布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定等。



Budda of girl consecrate Taoism can carry the following kind:

1.** cleanness prepares ** : Choose a quiet place, clean desktop or offer a desk, plan the offerings such as a few joss sticks and candles, fruit, bouquet.

2.** lights the sweet ** that burn candle: Ignite joss sticks and candles, the respect that shows pair of Budda and pray. Can choose joss sticks and candles or spend furnace.

3.** displays offerings ** : Put the offerings such as fruit, flower, boiled water going up for the stage, those who express pair of Budda is devotional with the affection that be thankful.

4.** of ** sincere prayer: Shut eye prayer, expression seeks the condition with acknowledgment to Budda's devoir, pray. Can read aloud with heart chant lection or silent pray.

5.** of ** religious religious service: Can Buddha of ceremony of put the palms together, worship on bended knees or salute, express the respect to Budda and belief.

6.** lasts ** of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine: Besides daily consecrate, also can pass persistent cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, beneficent the doctrine that will carry out Budda,

These are belief of a kind of expression and devotional means, but the sincerity that the most important is a heart and goodness.
