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1. **方向:** 香炉应该朝向正南方,这是中国传统文化中尊重的方向之一。
2. **高低:** 香炉应该放在较高的位置,表示对祖先的尊敬和崇拜。
3. **位置:** 尽量避免将香炉摆放在厨房、厕所等不洁净的地方,以示尊重和敬意。
4. **摆放与配饰:** 可以将香炉与家谱、祭品等配饰放在一起,营造庄严肃穆的氛围。



Censer of consecrate family tree should put quiet in, neat place normally, had better be the sacred stage in be located in the home or on shrine. The following should notice when putting:

1.** direction: ** censer should face towards southern, this is one of direction of the valued in Chinese traditional culture.
2.** discretion: ** censer should be put in higher position, the respect that shows pair of ancestors and adore.
3.** position: ** avoids to put censer as far as possible not clean place waits in kitchen, toilet, in order to show esteem and respect.
4.** puts with deserve to act the role of: ** is OK wait for censer and family tree, oblation deserve to act the role of put together, build majestic and solemn and respectful atmosphere.

As a whole, put family tree censer to want a foundation traditional and consuetudinary with individual be fond of, esteem ancestor, offer them due tribute.
