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1. 土地山神像或画像:代表土地山神的形象,可以是雕塑、图片或画作。

2. 香烛:用来点燃,代表虔诚的心意和祝福。

3. 水和酒:代表清洁和供奉。

4. 水果、糖果或其他食物:作为供品,表达对土地山神的尊敬和感谢。

5. 祭品:可以是谷物、花卉、瓜果等,代表丰收和祝福。


1. 在祭坛上摆放土地山神像或画像。

2. 点燃香烛,表示虔诚和敬意。

3. 将水和酒洒在神像前,表示清洁和供养。

4. 将水果、糖果或其他食物摆放在祭坛上,作为供品。

5. 向土地山神祈祷,表达对其的尊敬、感谢和祝福。

6. 祈祷结束后,可以留下供品,或在适当时候清理祭坛。



Magic power of consecrate land hill often needs a few ceremonies and goods. Above all, need a special altar or shrine, can outdoors chooses a quiet place, perhaps install shrine of a diminutive indoors. Next, prepare the following article:

1.Land hill God or picture: Represent the form of land hill god, can be sculpture, picture or picture are made.

2.Joss sticks and candles: With will ignite, represent religious purpose and blessing.

3.Water and wine: Represent cleanness and consecrate.

4.Fruit, candy or other edibles: As offerings, convey magical to land hill respect and acknowledgment.

5.Oblation: Can be cereal, flowers, melon and fruit, represent bumper harvest and blessing.

When consecrate, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Land hill God or picture are put on altar.

2.Ignite joss sticks and candles, express to be mixed piously devoir.

3.Spill water and wine before God, state cleanness is mixed make offerings to.

4.Put fruit, candy or other food go up in altar, as offerings.

5.Pray to land hill god, convey the respect to its, acknowledgment and blessing.

6.Pray after the end, can leave offerings, or clear in appropriate time altar.

God of consecrate land hill is a kind of belief and culture tradition, specific ceremony and consuetudinary may mix because of the area religion is devotional and differ somewhat, above is run-of-mill guidance only.
