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1. **祭拜仪式**:在特定的日子,如新年、生日或特殊节日,准备好香、鲜花、水果等供品,进行祭拜仪式,向麒麟祈福。

2. **摆放饰品**:在家中或办公室摆放麒麟雕塑或装饰品,以示尊重和纪念。可以选择不同材质和样式的麒麟,如木雕、瓷器或金属工艺品。

3. **供奉画像**:在家中或特定场所挂上麒麟的画像或图案,表示对麒麟的信仰和尊敬。

4. **献香烛**:定期或在特殊时刻向麒麟献上香烛,表示虔诚和祈福。

5. **祈福祷告**:在供奉麒麟时,进行祈福祷告,表达对家人和自己的祝愿和希望。



Kylin is indicative in Chinese culture lucky, auspicious sign and happiness, consecrate kylin is a kind of traditional custom. Consecrate kylin can take the following kind:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ceremonial ** : In specific date, be like New Year, birthday or special red-letter day, prepare the offerings such as sweet, flower, fruit, undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony, to kylin pray blessing.

2.** puts adorn taste ** : Be in the home or the office puts kylin sculpture or adornment, in order to show esteem and commemoration day. Can choose different capable person to be mixed character modal kylin, be like woodcarving, china or metallic handicraft.

3.** of ** consecrate picture: In the home medium or specific place hangs the picture of kylin or design, show the belief to kylin and respect.

4.** displays ** of joss sticks and candles: Fixed or display to kylin in special hour on joss sticks and candles, express to be mixed piously pray blessing.

5.** of prayer of ** pray blessing: When consecrate kylin, undertake pray blessing prayer, convey pair of home him support of the people wish and hope.

Why to no matter adopt,plant means consecrate kylin, should be careful sincerity, show pair of traditional culture and devotional respect.
