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1. 准备供品:可以选择水果、鲜花、糖果、香烛等供品,代表对吉祥天女的敬意和祝福。

2. 准备祭坛:在一个干净整洁的地方摆放一个小祭坛或供桌,用于摆放供品和祭祀用具。

3. 祭拜仪式:点燃香烛,摆放供品在祭坛上,然后合十或跪拜,表达对吉祥天女的虔诚之情。可以用心诚意诚地向吉祥天女祈愿。

4. 诵经祈祷:可以诵读相关的经文或祈祷词,表达对吉祥天女的尊敬和祈愿。

5. 感恩和清理:祭拜完毕后,向吉祥天女表达感恩之情,并清理祭坛上的供品和祭祀用具。



Consecrate is lucky nature female need undertakes according to the individual's belief and tradition. Normally the practice includes the following measure:

1.Plan offerings: Can choose the offerings such as fruit, flower, candied, joss sticks and candles, represent female to lucky day devoir and blessing.

2.Prepare altar: In clean and neat place puts a small altar or credence, use at laying offerings and sacred outfit.

3.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: Ignite joss sticks and candles, put offerings to be on altar, next put the palms together or worship on bended knees, express female to lucky day religious feeling. Can use heart good faith sincere ground Xiang Jixiang day daughter is invocatory.

4.Song classics prays: Can the lection related chant or pray word, expression is mixed to lucky day is respected femaly invocatory.

5.Be thankful and clear: Hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to after ending, to the affection that lucky day female expression is thankful, clear the offerings on altar and sacred appliance.

Those who need an attention is, consecrate is lucky day daughter is a kind of devotional religion behavior, need respects belief and tradition, different area and devotional likelihood have different way.
