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1. **祭拜和供奉:** 定期进行虔诚的祭拜,供奉香火、鲜花、水果等物品,表达对祖先的尊敬和敬意。

2. **清理和打扫:** 定期清理庙宇,打扫祭坛及其周围的区域,保持清洁。

3. **焚香超度:** 使用符合传统的香炉和香,进行超度仪式,祈求老人的灵魂得到安宁。

4. **修缮庙宇:** 对庙宇进行必要的修缮和维护,以表达对祖先的尊重和关怀。

5. **请道士施法:** 如有必要,可以请道士进行法事或法会,以祈求老人的灵魂得到超度和安息。

6. **心诚祷告:** 在心灵上与老人沟通,表达对其的感恩和敬意,祈求其保佑和指引。



Old person of the consecrate in temple may represent an ancestor or the soul of elder. Want to dissolve potential bodeful energy of life, can consider the following way:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to and consecrate: ** undertakes devotional hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to regularly, the article such as consecrate burning incense, flower, fruit, express the respect to the ancestor and respect.

2.** clears and clean: ** clears regularly temple, sweep altar and the area all round its, keep clean.

3.** censes release souls from purgatory: ** is used the censer that accords with a tradition and sweet, undertake ceremony of release souls from purgatory, the soul of invocatory old person gets quiet.

4.** reparative temple: ** undertakes to temple necessary reparative and safeguard, in order to convey the esteem to the ancestor and consideration.

5.** asks Taoism priest to use a method: If ** is necessary, can ask Taoism priest to undertake law thing or law are met, get with the soul of invocatory old person release souls from purgatory is mixed rest.

6.** heart sincere prayer: ** is communicated with the old person on the heart, expression is thankful to his and devoir, invocatory its are blessed and how-to.

Above method can undertake be applyinged neatly according to particular case, important is to keep devotional with sincere desire.
