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1. 准备供品:这些可以包括清水、花朵、水果、香、饼干等。供品的选择可以因地域和个人喜好而有所不同。

2. 净化身心:在供奉前,你可以进行简短的冥想或祈祷,以净化身心,创造一个恭敬的心境。

3. 安放供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供奉的位置,可以摆放在护法像前的供桌或小坛上。

4. 点燃香火:点燃香烛,表达对护法的尊敬和供养。

5. 念诵祈祷文:可以根据传统,念诵一些针对护法的祈祷文或赞颂词,表达对其的敬意和请求保佑。

6. 供养并祈愿:在心中默念你的祈愿,请求护法给予保护、力量和智慧,并表达感恩之情。



Consecrate is close ancestor protect a law to resemble needing a few basic measure. Above all, you need to prepare one honour close ancestor protect law resembling, this is normally be maintained to be the figure that has special force and protective capacity in close Zong Chuancheng. Next, you can choose a quiet, clean place to serve as the place of consecrate.

Next, you can have the following move:

1.Plan offerings: These can include clear water, flower, fruit, sweet, biscuit to wait. The choice of offerings is OK because of district and individual be fond of differ somewhat.

2.Purify body and mind: Before consecrate, you can undertake brief contemplative or pray, in order to purify body and mind, create a deferential mood.

3.Put offerings: Put ready offerings the position in consecrate, can put the altar before protecting a law to resemble or small world to go up.

4.Ignite burning incense: Ignite joss sticks and candles, the expressive respect to protecting a law and make offerings to.

5.Recite pray prayer: Can the ground is traditional, recite a few in the light of the pray prayer that protects a law or assist eulogy, expression is blessed to his devoir and request.

6.Make offerings to and invocatory: What read aloud you in the silent in the heart is invocatory, the request protects a law protective, force and wisdom, express the feeling that be thankful.

These measure can serve as consecrate close a basic guideline that protects law resembling, but particular way and ceremony may because of different close Zong Chuancheng differ somewhat. The most important is, sincere desire handles this process deferentially, the faith that and keep right protects a law and awe-stricken.
