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1. **庄严的仪式**:在一个特定的日子或时刻,组织一个庄严的仪式,包括祈祷、献花、点烛等活动,然后将神像带到指定的地点。

2. **游行或巡游**:有些宗教或文化传统会组织游行或巡游,将神像放在花车或轿子上,然后在街道上游行,向社区的其他成员展示。

3. **转经**:一些传统涉及将神像转移到不同的寺庙或圣地,以示尊敬和敬意。

4. **分发神像**:在某些宗教仪式或节日中,人们可以将小型的神像分发给信徒或参与者,以便他们在家中供奉。

5. **捐赠或赠送**:有时人们会将神像捐赠给寺庙、教堂或其他宗教场所,或者赠送给其他个人,以便他们可以在自己的家中进行供奉。



Go out God consecrate to have a few kinds of methods normally, specific depend on religious belief of the individual and tradition are consuetudinary. It is a few common methods below:

1.The ceremonial ** with majestic ** : In a specific date or hour, organize a majestic ceremony, include to pray, show the activity such as candle of flower, dot, take statue of a god designation place next.

2.** parades or make one's rounds swims ** : Some religion or culture tradition can organize parade or make one's rounds swims, put God on festooned vehicle or sedan, go in street upper reaches next, reveal to the other member of community.

3.** turns classics ** : A few traditions are involved change God different cloister or sacred place, in order to show respect and respect.

4.** distributes God ** : In certain ritual or festival, people can distribute diminutive God believer or participator, so that they are in the home consecrate.

5.** donates or give ** : Sometimes people can donate God cloister, cathedral or other religion place, perhaps give other individual, so that they are OK,consecrate undertakes in his home.

No matter choose which kinds of way, important is the religion that should respect place consuetudinary with the tradition, and the deities that God represents.
