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1. 准备供品:选择一些符合神兽品性的供品,比如水果、鲜花、香烛等。你也可以根据个人信仰和传统选择其他供品。

2. 准备祭坛:在一个清洁的地方摆放祭坛,可以用一个小桌子或者布置一个专门的祭坛区域。在祭坛上摆放供品,让其整洁有序。

3. 心诚祷告:在供奉之前,心诚地祈祷,表达对智慧灯塔神兽的敬意和祈求。你可以用自己的语言或者传统的祷告文来表达。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,象征着你的诚意和虔诚。可以选择一种清香的香烛,也可以根据个人喜好选择。

5. 献上供品:将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛上,表示对智慧灯塔神兽的尊敬和供养。

6. 表达祈愿:在心中默念你的祈愿,表达对智慧灯塔神兽的希望和期待。

7. 结束仪式:结束供奉仪式后,可以留下香烛继续燃烧一段时间,或者根据个人习惯进行后续的祭祀活动。



Animal of god of consecrate wisdom beacon can adopt the following measure:

1.Plan offerings: Choose a few offerings that accord with divine animal moral character, for instance fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles. You also can be mixed according to individual belief the tradition chooses other offerings.

2.Prepare altar: In clean place puts altar, perhaps can decorate a special altar section with a small table. Offerings is put on altar, make its neat and orderly.

3.Heart sincere prayer: Before consecrate, heart sincere ground prays, the respect that expresses animal of pair of wisdom beacon god and invocatory. You can use the devotional article with oneself traditional perhaps language to convey.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, indicative your sincerity and devotional. Can choose the joss sticks and candles of a kind of faint scent, also can choose according to individual be fond of.

5.Display on offerings: Put ready offerings go up in altar, the respect that shows animal of pair of wisdom beacon god and make offerings to.

6.Expression is invocatory: What read aloud you in the silent in the heart is invocatory, hope and expect what convey animal of pair of wisdom beacon god.

7.End a ceremony: After ending consecrate ceremony, can leave joss sticks and candles to continue to burn for some time, perhaps have follow-up sacred activity according to individual habit.

Above is the method of animal of run-of-mill god of consecrate wisdom beacon only, particular consecrate kind may is used to because of district, belief and individual and differ somewhat.
