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1. **供奉台上方**:将香炉放在供奉台的上方,代表着香烟可以直达神灵,具有更高的象征意义。

2. **左右对称**:如果在供奉台上供奉其他物品,可以将香炉放在左右对称的位置,保持整体的平衡和谐。

3. **不与供奉物相冲**:避免将香炉直接对着佛像或其他供奉物,以示尊重。

4. **离开窗户远一点**:尽量避免将香炉放在窗户附近,以免风吹进来影响供奉。

5. **避免混乱区域**:不要将香炉放在杂乱的地方,尽量选择一个清静的位置。



Of censer of new house consecrate put need to consider geomantic with esteem, have a few common methods normally:

1.** of upper part of ** consecrate stage: Put censer in the upper part of consecrate stage, representing cigarette to be able to arrive directly at deities, have taller indicative sense.

2.** controls symmetrical ** : If be offerred on consecrate stage,act according to other goods, can put censer in the position of or so semmetry, the balance that maintains whole is harmonious.

3.** does not develop ** with consecrate substance appearance: Avoid censer direct to figure of Buddha or other consecrate content, in order to show respect.

4.** leaves a window a bit further ** : Avoid to put censer around the window as far as possible, lest wind insufflate comes,affect consecrate.

5.** avoids confused area ** : Do not put censer in mixed and disorderly place, choose a quiet place as far as possible.

The place on put together is narrated, of censer put should consider esteem zephyr water, choose a whole beautiful, balance and quiet place.
