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1. 尊重逝者:根据逝者的生前信仰和喜好选择灵位,以表达对逝者的尊重和纪念。
2. 空间和布置:考虑家里的空间大小和布置风格,选择适合的灵位尺寸和样式,使其融入家庭环境。
3. 质量和材料:选择质量好、材料耐久的灵位,以确保长期保存和使用。
4. 刻字内容:可以在灵位上刻上逝者的名字、生卒日期等信息,也可以刻上寄语或诗文,以表达对逝者的思念和怀念之情。



Choice consecrate is clever when, can consider the following:

1.Respect the person that die: Of the person that the basis dies before one's death belief and alternative of be fond of are effective, in order to convey the esteem of pair of person that die and souvenir.
2.Space and decorate: The dimensional size in consideration home and decorate a style, what the choice suits is clever dimension and a style, make its blend in domestic environment.
3.Quality and material: Choose quality the spirit with good, fast material, be saved for a long time in order to ensure and use.
4.Content of carve characters on a seal: Can be in clever on the information such as date of the name of the person that engrave dies, unripe soldier, OK also engrave sends word or Shi Wen, in order to express the feeling of the longing of pair of person that die and yearning.

Consider above factor integratedly, choose an appropriate spirit come the person that consecrate dies.
