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1. **选择合适的地方:** 在家中选择一个清静干净的地方供奉神明,最好是远离厕所和垃圾桶的地方。

2. **神龛或供桌:** 可以准备一个小型的神龛或供桌,用于摆放神像、香炉、蜡烛等供品。

3. **神像或画像:** 根据自己的信仰选择合适的神像或画像,比如佛像、观音像、关公像等,然后将其摆放在神龛或供桌上。

4. **供品:** 可以准备一些供品,如鲜花、水果、糕点、茶水等,用于供奉神明。此外,还可以点香、烧香,表达虔诚的心意。

5. **清洁与整齐:** 定期清洁神龛或供桌,保持其整洁干净,表达对神明的尊敬和敬畏之心。

6. **虔诚心态:** 在供奉神明时,保持一颗虔诚的心态,诚心祈祷,表达自己的愿望和感恩之情。



Consecrate deities is a very important thing, need decides to decorate according to the individual's belief and tradition. Generally speaking, can consider the following:

1.** chooses proper place: ** chooses a quiet and clean local consecrate deities in the home, had better be the place that is far from toilet and ash-bin.

2.** shrine or altar: ** can prepare shrine of a diminutive or altar, use at putting the offerings such as God, censer, candle.

3.** God or picture: ** chooses appropriate God or picture according to his belief, for instance figure of Buddha, avalokitesvara resembles, close fair resemble waiting, put its next go up in shrine or altar.

4.** offerings: ** can plan a few offerings, wait like flower, fruit, cake, boiled water, use at consecrate deities. In addition, still can nod sweet, burn joss sticks, express devotional intention.

5.** cleanness and orderly: Shrine of ** fixed cleanness or altar, maintain its shipshape, convey the respect to deities and awe-stricken heart.

6.** devotional state of mind: ** is when consecrate deities, maintain a devotional state of mind, sincere desire prays, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful.

Above is deities of a few consecrate is basic decorate a method, but decorate means specificly to still need to decide according to the individual's belief and tradition.
