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1. **选择合适的佛像:** 在选择佛像时,可以根据个人喜好和信仰选择,比如释迦牟尼佛、观音菩萨、或者其他佛教菩萨。选择一尊造型美观、材质适合的佛像。

2. **准备供奉的地方:** 在家中选择一个清净、安静的地方,可以是一张小桌子或专用的供桌,摆放佛像的位置要尊重和谦虚。

3. **清洁和准备供品:** 在供奉之前,清洁供桌和佛像,确保环境整洁。准备一些供品,如水果、鲜花、烛台、香炉等,作为供养佛菩萨的物品。

4. **安放佛像:** 将选择好的佛像放置在供桌上,摆放位置要高于其他物品,表示尊敬和崇拜。

5. **虔诚供养:** 每天或定期给佛像上供,可以点香、献花、敬水、燃烛,表达虔诚的心意和敬意。

6. **诵经念佛:** 在供奉佛像时,可以诵读经文或念佛,以增进内心的宁静和智慧。

7. **保持清洁和尊敬:** 定期清洁供桌和佛像,保持环境清净。在供奉佛像时要保持专注和尊敬,心存敬畏。



Figure of Buddha of consecrate is in the home can be a good and significant experience. You are OK according to the following measure:

1.** chooses appropriate figure of Buddha: When ** is choosing figure of Buddha, can choose according to individual be fond of and belief, for instance Bodhisattva of Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara, other perhaps Buddhist a term applied to a kindhearted person. Choose one honour the figure of Buddha that beautiful, material fits model character.

2.** prepares the place of consecrate: ** chooses a kosher, quiet place in the home, can be a piece of small table or appropriative altar, the position that puts figure of Buddha wants esteem and modesty.

3.** cleanness and preparative offerings: ** is before consecrate, clean altar and figure of Buddha, ensure the environment is neat. Plan a few offerings, wait like fruit, flower, candlestick, censer, as make offerings to the article of Buddha Bodhisattva.

4.** puts figure of Buddha: Good the choice figure of Buddha places ** to go up in altar, put the position to want prep above other goods, express to respect and adore.

5.** makes offerings to piously: ** everyday or offer up a sacrifice to figure of Buddha regularly, can nod sweet, display flower, Jing Shui, burn candle, express religious purpose and respect.

6.Pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: ** is when consecrate figure of Buddha, can chant lection or pray to Buddha, with the halcyon He Zhihui of further heart.

7.** retains cleanness and respect: Altar of ** fixed cleanness and figure of Buddha, maintain an environment kosher. Should keep dedicated when consecrate figure of Buddha with respect, the heart is put awe-stricken.

Above is a few basic measure, but the most important is heart sincerity, make offerings to with devotional heart Buddha Bodhisattva.
