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1. 选择一个适当的位置:选择一个安静、清洁、不受干扰的地方,最好在家中的客厅、餐厅或书房等常用区域。

2. 准备神龛:可以选择一个精美的神龛或祭坛来供奉祖先。神龛可以是一个小型的木制桌子、橱柜或专用的供奉架。确保神龛干净整洁,并且保持良好的通风。

3. 摆放祭品:在神龛上摆放祭品,如水果、鲜花、茶水、香烛等。可以根据祖先的喜好和习俗来选择祭品。通常,应该选择新鲜的、高品质的祭品,以表达诚挚的敬意。

4. 放置祖先照片或像:在神龛上放置祖先的照片或像,以便家人可以向他们致敬和祈祷。照片应该清晰可见,最好选择全身或半身照片。

5. 点燃香烛:在神龛上点燃香烛,以表示对祖先的尊敬和敬意。可以选择传统的香烛,如沉香、檀香等,也可以根据个人喜好选择其他香味。

6. 经常祭拜:定期向祖先祭拜,表达对他们的敬意和感激之情。可以选择特定的日期或节日,如清明节、中秋节等进行祭拜,也可以根据个人的时间安排定期进行祭拜。



Consecrate ancestor shrine is a behavior that is full of devoir and tradition. Normally, you can place ancestral shrine according to the following measure:

1.Choose a proper place: Choose a quiet, cleanness, place that does not get interference, commonly used area had better wait in the sitting room in the home, dining-room or study.

2.Prepare shrine: Can choose an elegant shrine or altar to come consecrate ancestor. Shrine can be wooden table, ambry or appropriative consecrate wear a diminutive. Ensure shrine is clean and neat, and maintain good ventilated.

3.Put oblation: Oblation is put on shrine, wait like fruit, flower, boiled water, joss sticks and candles. Can mix according to ancestral be fond of consuetudinary will choose oblation. Normally, should choose fresh, high quality oblation, in order to express cordial respect.

4.Set ancestral picture or resemble: Ancestral picture is set on shrine or resemble, so that family is OK,pray to them. The photograph should be clear and visible, had better choose the whole body or half body picture.

5.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited on shrine, in order to show the respect to the ancestor and respect. Can choose traditional joss sticks and candles, wait like agalloch eaglewood, the pride of China, also can choose other fragrance according to individual be fond of.

6.Often hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: Do obeisance to to ancestral hold a memorial ceremony for regularly, express the devoir to them and appreciative feeling. Can choose specific date or festival, wait like tomb-sweeping day, the Mid-autumn Festival undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, also can undertake hold a memorial ceremony for do obeisance to regularly according to the individual's timeline.

Adopt above measure, you can establish an appropriate ancestral shrine in the home, xiang Zuxian expresses respect, and the tradition with familial inheritance and culture.
