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1. **祭坛位置**:选择一个高于地面的位置,如桌子或架子,用来摆放祭品和祖宗牌位。祭坛的位置应该尽量靠近墙壁,以示稳固。

2. **祭坛摆放**:祭坛上应该摆放祖先的牌位或画像,供奉鲜花、水果、香烛等祭品。可以根据个人的信仰和传统习惯选择其他供品。

3. **清洁整齐**:保持祭坛和周围环境的清洁整洁,定期更换祭品以示敬意。

4. **照明装饰**:可以在祭坛上方安装柔和的灯光或烛台,营造安静祥和的氛围。避免使用过亮或刺眼的灯光。

5. **虔诚心态**:供奉祖宗是一种虔诚的行为,需要用心敬拜和祈祷,表达对祖先的尊重和感恩之情。



Of consecrate ancestor wing-room decorate should reflect esteem and devotional. Want to choose a quiet and auspicious place above all, the one horn that can be a room or a special ancestor wing-room. When decorate, can consider the following:

1.** of ** altar position: Choose the place of ground of a prep above, be like table or frame, with will put oblation and ancestor memorial tablet. The position of altar should stand by wall as far as possible, in order to show firm.

2.** altar puts ** : Ancestral memorial tablet or picture should be put on altar, the oblation such as consecrate flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles. Can choose other offerings according to the individual's belief and traditional habit.

3.** cleanness is orderly ** : The cleanness that maintains altar and surroundings is neat, change regularly oblation in order to show respect.

4.** illume decorates ** : Downy lamplight or candlestick can be installed in altar upper part, build quiet and auspicious atmosphere. Avoid to had been used bright or the lamplight of dazzling.

5.** of ** devotional state of mind: Consecrate ancestor is a kind of devotional behavior, need is respected attentively do obeisance to and pray, express the esteem to the ancestor and the feeling that be thankful.

Above is general decorate a proposal, specific and OK undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to be fond of of domestic tradition, individual and religious belief.
