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1. **选择供奉地点:** 在家中选择一个清静、安宁的地方来供奉星君,可以是一张桌子或者一个供桌。

2. **准备供品:** 准备一些供奉品,例如水果、鲜花、香烛、糖果等。根据个人的信仰,也可以准备一些特定的供品。

3. **摆放供品:** 将准备好的供品摆放在供奉地点,可以用一个小盘子或者碟子来放置。

4. **虔诚祈祷:** 在供奉时,可以默念或诵读一些祷文或经文,表达对星君的敬意和祈愿。

5. **定期供奉:** 根据个人的信仰习惯,可以选择每天、每周或者每月定期供奉星君,以示虔诚和敬意。



Consecrate star gentleman is the belief according to the individual is mixed normally consuetudinary will undertake. Generally speaking, the means of consecrate star gentleman can include the following measure:

1.** selects consecrate site: ** chooses a quiet, quiet place to come in the home consecrate star gentleman, can be a piece of table or an altar.

2.** plans offerings: ** prepares a few consecrate to taste, for example fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, candy. According to the individual's belief, also can plan a few specific offerings.

3.** puts offerings: ** puts ready offerings in consecrate place, can use a small dish or small dish will place.

4.** prays piously: ** is when consecrate, can silent reads aloud or chant a few prayer or lection, the respect that expresses pair of star gentleman and invocatory.

5.** fixed consecrate: ** is used to according to the individual's belief, can choose everyday, every week or gentleman of star of every months of fixed consecrate, mix in order to show piously devoir.

As a whole, consecrate star gentleman is a kind of kind that expresses belief and respect, important is a heart sincere clever, undertake consecrate piously with sincere desire.
