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1. 感恩祭拜:在供奉期结束时,可以准备一些水果、糖果或其他供品,摆放在供奉的地方,表示对大仙的感恩和敬意。然后虔诚地向大仙行礼,表达感谢之情,并请大仙安息离去。

2. 祈福告别:在送走大仙之前,可以进行祈福仪式,祈求大仙保佑福祉。可以点香、燃香、敲钟或者祈祷,表达诚挚的祝愿和告别之情。

3. 清理供品:在送走大仙后,应当将供品清理干净,如果品可以用来做成果汁或者分发给家人,糖果可以分发或者留作食用,表示对大仙的尊敬和感谢。

4. 断供收纳:在送走大仙之后,要将供奉的地方清理干净,并将供品收纳好,可以选择专门的盒子或容器,妥善保存以备下次供奉之用。



The big celestial being of consecrate can pass the following means to undertake sending:

1.Be thankful hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: It is when consecrate period end, can plan a few fruits, candy or other offerings, put the place in consecrate, those who express pair of big celestial being be thankful and devoir. Salute to big celestial being piously next, express the feeling of acknowledgment, ask big celestial being to rest leave.

2.Pray blessing leaves: Before sending big celestial being, can undertake pray blessing ceremony, invocatory big celestial being blesses happiness and benefit. Can nod sweet, light the sweet, person that knock Zhong Huo to pray, express cordial wish and the feeling that leave.

3.Clear offerings: After sending big celestial being, ought to clear offerings clean, if fruit can use make it fruit juice to perhaps distribute family, candy can be distributed or leave edible, express the respect of pair of big celestial being and acknowledgment.

4.Break for receiving: After sending big celestial being, want to clear the place of consecrate clean, had received offerings, can select special case or recipient, appropriate is saved in order to have next time of consecrate with.

These means are a basis traditional and consuetudinary will undertake with individual belief, the pattern that can fit according to particular case and oneself devotional choice will send big celestial being.
