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1. **供奉位置选择**:选择一个清洁、整齐、光线明亮的地方供奉守财童子,通常可以放在家里的财位,比如家中的财库或者财位门口。

2. **供奉物品**:可以准备一些供奉物品,比如香烛、鲜花、水果、糖果、红包等,表达对守财童子的尊敬和祈愿。

3. **定期祭拜**:每个月或每个季度定期祭拜守财童子,可以在特定的日子或者自己选择的日子举行。

4. **诚心祈愿**:供奉时要虔诚地向守财童子祈愿,表达自己的愿望和希望,比如财运亨通、生意兴隆、财源广进等。

5. **清洁维护**:定期清洁供奉的地方和物品,保持整洁,以示对守财童子的尊重和敬意。



The boy that defend money is one of mammon in Chinese traditional culture, it has consecrate normally a few kinds of methods:

1.** consecrate position chooses ** : Choose the local consecrate with a cleanness, orderly, bright light to defend money boy, the money that can be put in the home normally, the money library with for instance medium home or money doorway.

2.** of ** consecrate article: Can prepare article of a few consecrate, for instance joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, candied, red bag, the respect that expresses pair of boy that defend money and invocatory.

3.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : Fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to every month or every quarter the boy that defend money, can be in specific date or the time that oneself choose is held.

4.** sincere desire is invocatory ** : Want when consecrate piously Xiang Shoucai boy is invocatory, express oneself desire and hope, grand of money carry be prosperous, unripe enthusiasm, fund is for instance wide enter etc.

5.** cleanness safeguards ** : The place of fixed and clean consecrate and article, keep neat, in order to show the esteem of pair of boy that defend money and respect.

Above is the method that a few common consecrate defend money boy, but particular consecrate kind can undertake adjustment according to the individual's be fond of and belief.
