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1. **选择适合的神像**:首先,选择一尊你信仰的神的像。可以是佛像、道教神祇、基督教耶稣像等。确保神像的形象和表情符合你对神的尊崇和敬畏之情。

2. **合适的位置**:将神像放置在一个清洁、整洁的地方,最好是一个专门的神龛或供桌。确保神像高于地面,以表示尊敬。

3. **照明和背景**:给神像提供适当的照明,让它在光线下显得清晰可见。背景可以选择一些美观的挂毯、壁画或花环,以增强神像的庄严氛围。

4. **供品**:在神像前放置供品,如鲜花、水果、糕点、香烛等,以表示敬意和虔诚。可以根据信仰的不同选择合适的供品。

5. **定期清洁和保养**:定期清洁神像,保持其清洁和整洁。可以使用柔软的布轻轻擦拭,不要使用化学清洁剂,以免损坏神像。

6. **虔诚的心**:最重要的是,无论供奉的方式如何,都要用虔诚和敬畏之心对待神像,表达自己的信仰和感恩之情。


Consecrate God needs to undertake according to belief and individual preference. It is a few common methods below:

1.** chooses suitable God ** : Above all, choose one honour of your devotional god picture. Can be Dai of god of figure of Buddha, Taoism, Christian Jesus resemble waiting. Ensure the figure of God and expression accord with your homage to the god and awe-stricken affection.

2.The positional ** with appropriate ** : Place God in a cleanness, neat place, had better be a special a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets or altar. Ensure ground of God prep above, in order to show respect.

3.** illume and setting ** : Offer proper illumination to God, let it appear clear and visible below the light. Setting can choose a few beautiful arras, mural or anadem, in order to enhance the majestic atmosphere of God.

4.** offerings ** : Offerings is placed before God, wait like flower, fruit, cake, joss sticks and candles, in order to state devoir is mixed devotional. Can choose appropriate offerings according to differring devotionally.

5.** fixed cleanness and maintain ** : Fixed and clean God, maintain its cleanness and neat. Can use soft cloth to be wiped gently, do not use chemical cleaner, lest damage God.

6.The heart ** with devotional ** : The most important is, no matter the means of consecrate how, should use treat God with awe-stricken heart piously, express oneself belief and the feeling that be thankful.
