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1. **准备灯台**:选择一个安全的位置放置灯台,确保其稳固不会倾倒。可以选择一个清洁的地方,避免灯台被随意触动或撞到。

2. **准备祈福灯**:准备一支符合尺寸的祈福灯。通常祈福灯是小型蜡烛或油灯。

3. **点燃灯**:用火柴或打火机点燃祈福灯。在点燃之前,可以默念一些祈祷或心愿。

4. **供奉**:在点燃灯后,将祈福灯放在灯台上。可以用手将灯轻轻放置在灯台上,或者根据具体的仪式用一些特殊的方式进行。

5. **心诚祈祷**:在供奉祈福灯后,你可以默默地或大声地表达你的祈愿或祷告,表达对神灵或圣者的尊敬和信仰。

6. **保持警惕**:在祈福灯燃烧期间,务必保持警惕,确保周围环境安全,以免发生火灾等意外。

7. **结束仪式**:当祈福灯燃尽或者你认为祈福仪式已经完成时,可以在合适的时机结束仪式。可以用手轻轻地吹灭灯火,然后移除灯台或者将其妥善保存。



Because the means of lamp of blessing of pray of consecrate hall mouth is devotional with the tradition different. Normally, you can come according to the following measure consecrate:

1.** prepares lampstand ** : The place that chooses a safety places lampstand, ensure its are firm won't dump. Can choose a clean place, avoid to lampstand is touched at will or bump.

2.** prepares ** of pray blessing lamp: Prepare a pray blessing lamp that accords with dimension. Normally pray blessing lamp is small-sized candle or oil lamp.

3.** ignites lamp ** : Ignite pray blessing lamp with match or lighter. Before ignite, can silent reads aloud a few pray or wish.

4.** consecrate ** : After igniting the lamp, put pray blessing light on lampstand. Can use a hand to be buy of lamp light put down gently on lampstand, perhaps undertake with a few special kind according to specific ceremony.

5.** heart sincere pray ** : After lamp of consecrate pray blessing, you are OK and silent invocatory or what the ground or aloud convey you is devotional, the respect of the person that convey pair of deities or emperor and belief.

6.** maintains vigilant ** : During pray blessing lamp burns, keep vigilant without fail, ensure surroundings is safe, lest send unripe fire,wait for an accident.

7.** ends ceremonial ** : Light when pray blessing lamp or when you think pray blessing ceremony has been finished, the ceremony can end in equal opportunity. Can blow gently with handle gently destroy lights, move to perhaps save its appropriate except lampstand next.

These are the measure of lamp of blessing of pray of mouth of general consecrate hall, but specific ceremonial details is likely because religious belief, tradition is consuetudinary,differ somewhat with the individual.
