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1. **神龛供奉**:在家中设置一个神龛,放置吕洞宾的像或画像,并在每天烧香、献上水果、鲜花等物品以示敬意。

2. **祭祀仪式**:定期举行祭祀仪式,通常在农历的特定日子,如农历的吕洞宾诞辰日、神诞日等。在仪式上,烧香、祭奠、诵经等是常见的做法。

3. **修行礼仪**:道教强调修行,供奉吕洞宾也可以通过修行来表达。修行包括诵经、打坐、参加道教活动等。

4. **捐赠慈善**:有些信徒会以捐赠慈善的方式来供奉吕洞宾,认为这是表达对其教诲的尊重。



Lv Dongbin is the important god Dai in Taoism, generally speaking, his means abides by consecrate the tradition of Taoism. Lv Dongbin's method includes enshrine and worship:

1.** of ** shrine consecrate: A shrine is installed in the home, place Lv Dongbin resemble or picture, be in everyday burn joss sticks, display on the article such as fruit, flower in order to show respect.

2.** of ** sacred ceremony: Hold sacred ceremony regularly, be in normally the specific date of the traditional Chinese calendar, the day of birthday of Lv hole guest that is like the traditional Chinese calendar, divine birth day. In ceremonially, classics of burn joss sticks, hold a memorial ceremony for, Song is common practice.

3.** repairs a formal ** : Taoism emphasizes cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, guest of consecrate Lv hole also can be conveyed through cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.

4.** donates beneficent ** : Some believer can come with donating beneficent means guest of consecrate Lv hole, think this is the esteem that expression teachings to its.

These are the general pattern of guest of consecrate Lv hole, but particular way may be mixed because of district, tradition the individual is devotional and differ somewhat.
