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1. 供奉像或像像:可以是雕塑、画像或其他形式的像像,代表着大悲寺师傅。这些像像通常被安放在寺庙的供桌或供奉区域,并定期进行供养。

2. 祭品:供奉大悲寺师傅的祭品通常包括水果、花朵、香烛、鲜花、茶叶等。这些祭品可以在特定的仪式或日常供养中使用。

3. 经书:在供奉大悲寺师傅的时候,也可以诵读经书或进行诵经礼拜。这些经书可能包括《大悲咒》等与大悲寺相关的经典。

4. 心诚诚心:供奉不仅仅是物质上的行为,更重要的是心诚。在供奉时,心诚则灵,要以虔诚的心态来进行供奉。



The consecrate means of big Bei temple is mixed according to the specific tradition of fane devotional and consuetudinary and differ somewhat. Normally the circumstance falls, master of temple of consecrate big Bei can take the following kind:

1.Consecrate resembles or resemble: Can be sculpture, picture or other form picture, representing master worker of big Bei temple. These resembling that resemble be being put to be in normally the altar of cloister or consecrate area, undertake making offerings to regularly.

2.Oblation: The oblation of master of temple of consecrate big Bei includes fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, flower, tea to wait normally. These oblation can be in specific ceremony or in making offerings to daily, use.

3.Confusion classics: In master of temple of consecrate big Bei when, OK also chant Confusion classics or have Song classics religious service. These Confusion classics may include " big Bei cuss " etc related to big Bei temple classical.

4.Heart sincere sincere desire: Consecrate is the behavior of materially not just, more important is a heart sincere. When consecrate, heart sincere clever, want to undertake consecrate with devotional state of mind.

These are consecrate is usually big the means of Bei temple master, but particular consecrate kind may be mixed because of tradition of area, fane the individual is devotional and differ somewhat.
