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1. 选择供奉地点:可以选择在家中的神龛、供桌或者特定的祭坛供奉。

2. 准备供品:准备各种供品,包括水、酒、鲜花、水果、香烛等,以示诚意。

3. 洁净身心:在供奉之前,进行身心净化,保持内心平静,表达诚挚的虔诚之情。

4. 诚心祈祷:点燃香烛,摆放供品,诚心祈祷并表达自己的愿望和祈求。

5. 献上供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供奉的地方,并虔诚地祭拜十三太保。

6. 日常供奉:定期或者不定期地进行供奉,表达对十三太保的尊敬和信仰。



13 too protecting is the divine Dai in Taoism, consecrate means can be mixed according to the individual's belief traditional and consuetudinary and differ somewhat. Generally speaking, consecrate 13 too protect can take the following step:

1.Select consecrate site: Can choose the altar consecrate with the shrine in the home, specific perhaps altar.

2.Plan offerings: Plan all sorts of offerings, include water, wine, flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles to wait, in order to show good faith.

3.Clean body and mind: Before consecrate, undertake body and mind is purified, maintain inner calm, express cordial religious feeling.

4.Sincere desire prays: Ignite joss sticks and candles, put offerings, the desire that sincere desire prays and expresses oneself and invocatory.

5.Display on offerings: Put ready offerings the place in consecrate, and piously hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to 13 too protect.

6.Daily consecrate: Undertake consecrate nonskedly perhaps regularly, expression is right 13 too the respect that protect and belief.

Remember, consecrate is a kind of devotional expression, mix in sincere desire again devoir, and particular form can be mixed because of the area the individual is consuetudinary and differ somewhat.
