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1. **准备材料**:准备好一张大红纸、一支黑色或金色的画笔、一支毛笔、红色丝线。

2. **绘制门神图案**:在红纸上绘制一对男女神的图案,通常男神在左边,女神在右边。他们可以手持兵器,表情庄严威严,以示护家守门的意义。

3. **书写祝福语**:在门神图案的上方和下方,用毛笔写上祝福语或对联,如“家门平安”、“福禄双全”等。字体应该端庄工整。

4. **装裱**:在纸的四周裁剪一些边框,然后将门神画像贴在一个硬纸板或者细木板上,用胶水固定。

5. **系挂红绳**:在门神的上方穿过一根红色丝线,可以打一个结固定,方便挂在门口。



Write door-god consecrate to should follow traditional pattern. Normally, the picture of door-god is god of a pair of men and womens commonly, they are representing the import of guardianship family and exorcise. You can go up in a piece of red paper, with black or aureate pen, will write door-god consecrate according to the following measure:

1.** prepares material ** : Prepare an an a piece of bright red paper, black or aureate paintbrush, brush, gules silk thread.

2.** of design of ** scale door-god: In the scale on red paper the design of god of a pair of men and womens, normally male god to the left, goddess is in right. They can hold weapon, expression is majestic and august, protect the content of a be on duty at the door or gate in order to show.

3.** writes beatific language ** : In the upper part of door-god design and lower part, write with brush on beatific language or couplet, be like " the door is restful " , " Fu Lushuang is complete " etc. Font should be dignified carefully and nearly.

4.** mounts a picture ** : In paper all around cut out a few frame, stick door-god picture in a chipboard next on fine perhaps board, secure with glue.

5.** department hangs red rope ** : A gules silk thread is crossed in the upper part of door-god, can hit a knot to secure, convenient hang in the doorway.

Consecrate door-god when, can affix in the two side of the doorway in the home, in order to show pair of family bless and exorcise.
