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1. **选址**: 选择一个恰当的地方供奉关公,可以是家中的神龛、供桌,或者是关公庙、寺庙等场所。

2. **备品**: 准备供奉关公所需的物品,包括关公像、香烛、鲜花、水果、茶叶等。

3. **摆放关公像**: 将关公像放置在供奉的位置,通常是在高处,表示尊崇。

4. **点燃香烛**: 在供奉关公的时候点燃香烛,表达虔诚和敬意。

5. **献供品**: 将准备好的水果、鲜花、茶叶等摆放在供桌前,作为对关公的供奉。

6. **祷告礼拜**: 可以合十礼拜,默念或念诵相关经文或祷文,表达对关公的敬意和信仰。

7. **日常供奉**: 每天或定期进行供奉,保持虔诚和敬意。



Close fair it is one of divine Dai that homage suffers fully in Chinese traditional culture, he is in by consecrate normally family, temple or other place. Consecrate closes common method to be able to differ somewhat according to the individual's belief and habit, but common consecrate move is as follows:

1.** of ** optional location: Choose an appropriate local consecrate to close fair, can be a medium shrine, altar, perhaps close the room such as fair temple, cloister.

2.** of ** machine parts or tools kept in reserve: Preparative consecrate involves the article that public place wants, include to close fair picture, joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, tea.

3.** puts close fair like ** : Will close fair resemble setting the position in consecrate, it is pinnacled normally, express homage.

4.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Close in consecrate fair when ignite joss sticks and candles, expression is mixed piously devoir.

5.** displays offerings ** : Wait for ready fruit, flower, tea put before altar, as fair to closing consecrate.

6.** of ** devotional chapel: Can chapel of put the palms together, silent reads aloud or recite relevant lection or prayer, express public to closing respect and belief.

7.** of ** daily consecrate: Everyday or undertake consecrate regularly, keep devotional with devoir.

Consecrate closes fair it is the behavior of a kind of belief in Chinese traditional culture, esteem is traditional, be being treated piously is the most important.
