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1. **祭品供奉:** 可以准备一些食物、水果、鲜花等,摆放在神龛或祭坛上,表示诚心的供养。
2. **祷告和祈愿:** 在供奉时,可以默默地或大声地表达自己的祷告和祈愿,表达对天地神的敬意和期待。
3. **点燃香烛:** 点燃香烛是一种传统的供奉方式,代表虔诚和纪念。
4. **燃烧纸钱:** 在一些传统风俗中,人们也会燃烧纸钱以示供养和祭奠。
5. **行善积德:** 在日常生活中,积极行善、尊重自然、敬畏生命,也是对天地神最好的供奉之一。



Consecrate world look is a kind of respect and the expression that be thankful, can pass the following means to undertake:

1.** oblation consecrate: ** can prepare a few food, fruit, flower to wait, put go up in shrine or altar, express to make offerings to in earnest.
2.** prayer and invocatory: ** is when consecrate, OK and silent the ground or the prayer that aloud conveys him and invocatory, the devoir with magical to heaven and earth expression and expect.
3.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles is a kind of traditional consecrate pattern, the delegate is mixed piously souvenir.
4.** combustion paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead: ** is in a few traditional custom, people also can burn paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead makes offerings to with showing and hold a memorial ceremony for.
5.Accumulate virtue of ** do good works: ** is in daily life, nature of active do good works, esteem, awe-stricken life, also be one of best to world look consecrate.

No matter be which kinds of means, need to send the sincerity from the heart and awe-stricken heart.
