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1. 准备水之印:你可以购买或制作水之印。水之印通常是一种象征水元素的物品,比如水晶、玻璃瓶或者简单的碗。

2. 准备供品:准备一些用于供奉的物品,比如清水、鲜花、蜡烛、香或其他你感觉合适的东西。

3. 选择供奉的地点:选择一个安静、干净、能够集中注意力的地方进行供奉,比如神龛、祭坛或者你的个人祭祀空间。

4. 准备心态:在开始供奉之前,放松身心,清理杂念,进入专注的状态。

5. 开始供奉:将水之印放在供奉的地点,然后点燃蜡烛、香等供品,将它们摆放在水之印周围。你可以默念祈祷或者表达感恩之情。

6. 祈祷或冥想:与水之印进行交流,表达你的愿望、祈祷或感恩之情。你可以闭上眼睛,沉浸在冥想中,与水之印建立联系。

7. 结束供奉:当你感觉到适当的时候,结束供奉。熄灭蜡烛,清理供品,并将水之印放回原处。



Of consecrate water imprint have a variety of kind, specific depend on your belief and individual preference. Generally speaking, of consecrate water imprint can finish through the following measure:

1.Prepare water imprint: You can be bought or make water imprint. Of water the article that imprinting is element of a kind of indicative water normally, the bowl with for instance simple perhaps bottle of crystal, glass.

2.Plan offerings: Prepare a few article that are used at consecrate, for instance clear water, flower, candle, sweet or other the thing that you feel appropriate.

3.Select the site of consecrate: Choose a quiet, clean, place that can focus attention to undertake consecrate, for instance shrine, altar or your individual is sacred space.

4.Prepare state of mind: Before beginning consecrate, loosen body and mind, clear distracting thoughts, enter dedicated state.

5.Begin consecrate: water imprint the place that is put in consecrate, ignite next the candle, sweet wait for offerings, put them in water imprint all round. You are OK silent reads aloud to pray or express the feeling that be thankful.

6.Pray or contemplative: With water imprint undertake communicating, express the your desire, feeling that pray or is thankful. You can close an eye, be enmeshed in contemplative in, with water imprint establish connection.

7.End consecrate: Feel when you proper when, end consecrate. Extinguish the candle, clear offerings, and water imprint replace is in formerly.

The consecrate means of everybody may differ somewhat, the key is the desire that should express you sincerely and feeling.
