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1. **准备供品**:准备食物、饮料、花朵、香炉、香烛等供品,这些供品应该是清洁的,并且表示虔诚和敬意。

2. **清洁仪式**:在供奉之前进行身体和心灵的清洁,可以通过洗手、冥想或念经等方式。

3. **设立祭坛**:在一个安静的地方,设立一个专门用来供奉护法神的祭坛或神龛。祭坛可以摆放有关护法神的画像、雕像或符号。

4. **诵经念咒**:根据传统,诵读与护法神有关的经文或咒语,以表达虔诚和尊敬。

5. **点燃香烛**:在供奉时点燃香炉中的香,点燃蜡烛,这象征着心灵的提醒和祈愿的传达。

6. **献供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛上,这包括食物、水果、饮料等,以示对护法神的供养。

7. **祈祷和感恩**:向护法神祈祷,表达自己的愿望和感恩,并请求护佑和庇护。



The god that protect a law is to get devotional object, the religion that because differ,consecrate means meets, belief and traditional and differ somewhat. Generally speaking, consecrate protects the means of way spirit to may include the following:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Plan the offerings such as food, beverage, flower, censer, joss sticks and candles, these offerings should be clean, and express mix piously devoir.

2.** of ** clean ceremony: The cleanness of the body and heart undertakes before consecrate, can pass wash one's hands, contemplative or the means such as recite scriptures.

3.** establishs altar ** : Be in a quiet place, establish an altar that uses consecrate technically to protect way spirit or shrine. Altar can be put the picture that concerns the spirit that protect a law, statuary or symbol.

4.** of execration of ** Song classics: The ground is traditional, chant and the lection that the god that protect a law concerns or abracadabra, mix in order to convey piously respect.

5.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: In censer is ignited when consecrate sweet, ignite the candle, of this indicative heart remind and communicate invocatorily.

6.** displays offerings ** : Put ready offerings go up in altar, this includes food, fruit, beverage to wait, in order to show to protecting the law makes offerings to magically.

7.** prays and be thankful ** : Pray to the god that protect a law, the desire that expresses oneself and be thankful, request to protect bless and shelter.

Above is the way that general consecrate protects way spirit, but particular way may because of religion or belief different and somewhat difference. If have the specific mind that protect a law, the tradition related best reference and doctrine will undertake consecrate.
