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1. **马的形象或图案**:佩戴马的形象或图案的饰品,如马头吊坠、马蹄手链等,有助于增加运势和好运气。

2. **红色饰品**:红色象征着热情和活力,是中国传统的吉祥颜色之一,戴上红色的项链、手链或耳环可以增加吉祥气息。

3. **玉饰品**:玉被视为吉祥、长寿和幸福的象征,选择玉制的吊坠、手镯或耳环可以增添吉祥祝福。

4. **金饰品**:金色代表财富和好运,戴上金饰品如金手链、金耳环等,有助于提升财运和吉祥气息。

5. **水晶饰品**:水晶被认为有辟邪、净化身心和增加运势的作用,选择透明或彩色的水晶饰品可以带来积极的能量。



The schoolgirl that belongs to a horse is in adorn adorn when tasting, can choose a few goods of indicative lucky He Jixiang, for instance:

1.The figure of ** horse or design ** : Adorn of equestrian figure or design adorn article, be like Ma Tou catenary of hand of condole dropping, horse's hoof, conduce to raise lot of movement power become reconciled.

2.** red acts the role of taste ** : Gules and indicative enthusiasm and vigor, it is one of lucky color of Chinese tradition, catenary of the necklace that wears red, hand or dangler can add lucky flavor.

3.** jade acts the role of taste ** : What jade is regarded as lucky, long life and happiness is indicative, condole dropping, bracelet or dangler can add choice jade lucky blessing.

4.** gold acts the role of taste ** : Become reconciled of aureate delegate fortune carries, wear golden act the role ofing to taste dangler of catenary of the hand that be like gold, gold to wait, conduce to promotion money carry and lucky breath.

5.** crystal acts the role of taste ** : Crystal is thought to have exorcise evil spirits, clean reincarnate heart and the effect that increase movement power, choice transparent or chromatic crystal is acted the role of article can bring active energy.

Nevertheless, the most important is to choose those who accord with case of zephyr of individual be fond of to act the role of article, because self-confidence and happy ability are best lucky accord with.
