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1. **娱乐业**:属鸡男通常具有社交能力和表演天赋,可以考虑娱乐业,比如演艺经纪、活动策划或者餐饮业。

2. **销售业**:由于属鸡男通常具备领导能力和说服力,可以考虑从事销售业,比如房地产经纪、汽车销售等。

3. **创意产业**:创意产业对于有想象力和创造力的人来说是一个很好的选择,比如艺术品销售、设计工作室等。

4. **健康与保健业**:鸡年出生的人通常有很强的自律能力和健康意识,可以考虑从事健康与保健相关的行业,比如健身教练、保健品销售等。

5. **餐饮业**:属鸡男通常具有对美食的热情和品味,可以考虑开设餐厅、咖啡馆或者酒吧等业务。



The business that belongs to chicken to suit maly depends on his interest, skill and market demand. However, according to belonging to gallinaceous male case the characteristic is mixed normally commercial climate, the following kinds of businesses may suit relatively:

1.** of ** entertainment industry: Belong to chicken male have gregarious ability and performance talent normally, can consider recreational industry, act for instance art broker, activity is engineered or meal course of study.

2.** sells ** of course of study: Because belong to chicken male have leadership and conviction normally, can consider to be engaged in selling line of business, for instance estate broker, car is sold etc.

3.** of ** originality industry: Originality industry to having imagination is mixed is a very good choice for the person of creativity, for instance atelier of artwork sale, design.

4.** health and ** of sanitarian course of study: Chicken year birth person has very strong self-discipline capability and healthy consciousness normally, can consider to pursue the trade related health and health care, for instance gymnastical coach, health care tastes a sale to wait.

5.** of ** meal course of study: Belong to chicken male the glow that has pair of cate normally and savour, can consider to open dining-room, cafe or the business such as bar.

Of course, the most important is to find the business that with oneself interest and ability photograph accord with, and undertake sufficient market research and commerce plan.
