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1. **地区气候:** 不同地区的气候条件会影响树木的生长状况。选择适合当地气候的树种可以确保树木茁壮成长。

2. **空间限制:** 街道屋前的空间可能有限,因此要选择适合该空间的树种,不要选择过大的树种,以免影响周围建筑物和电线。

3. **土壤条件:** 土壤的pH值、排水性和肥力对树木生长至关重要。选择适合当地土壤条件的树种可以帮助树木更好地生长。

4. **景观美感:** 考虑树木的形态、颜色和季节性变化,以及与周围环境的搭配,选择能够增添景观美感的树种。


- **柳树(如垂柳):** 柳树对不同气候和土壤条件适应性较强,而且有优美的垂枝,可以增添景观美感。

- **枫树:** 枫树有多种品种,适应性广泛,而且在秋季会呈现出美丽的红叶,给街道增添色彩。

- **榆树:** 榆树适应性强,能够在较差的土壤和气候条件下生长,而且树形较为整洁。

- **紫薇:** 紫薇是一种适应性强、生长迅速的树种,具有良好的观赏价值,尤其是在夏季开花期间。

- **杨树:** 杨树生长迅速,适应性强,但需注意选择不会对周围环境造成干扰的品种。



Want to choose to suit the tree before street house most, had better consider the following factors:

1.** area climate: The climate condition of ** different area can affect arboreous growth state. The tree that chooses to suit local climate is planted can ensure arboreous thrive.

2.** space restricts: The space before ** street house may be limited, because this wants to choose to suit the tree of this space to plant, had not chosen large tree to plant, lest the building is mixed all round the influence electrical wiring.

3.** soil condition: Sex of the PH value of ** soil, catchment and fertility grow to tree crucial. It is OK that the tree that chooses to fit local soil requirement is planted help tree grows better.

4.** landscape aesthetic feeling: The configuration with ** arboreous consideration, color and seasonal change, and the collocation with surroundings, the tree that chooses to be able to add landscape aesthetic feeling is planted.

Generally speaking, the tree before a few common street house plants include:

- ** is willow (be like weeping willow) : ** willow is stronger to adaptability of different climate and edaphic condition, and have hang down beautifully branch, can add landscape aesthetic feeling.

- ** maple: ** maple has a variety of variety, adaptability is extensive, and the red autumnal leaves that can present a beauty in autumn, to street add color.

- ** elm: ** elm adaptability is strong, can fall in poorer soil and climate condition grow, and tree body is relatively neat.

- ** crape myrtle: ** crape myrtle is a kind of adaptability strong, grow rapid tree is planted, have view and admire value goodly, blossom in the summer especially during.

- ** poplar: ** poplar grows rapid, adaptability is strong, but the variety that needs to notice to choose to won't cause interference to surroundings.

Final choice should combine above element to have a consideration, can grow in order to ensure the tree of the choice is planted before street house flourish, and can add environmental aesthetic feeling.
