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1. **吉祥花卉**:如吉祥兰、吉祥菊等,被认为能够带来好运和吉祥之气。

2. **清新花卉**:如茉莉花、橙花等,能够带来清新宜人的气息,有助于舒缓情绪、净化空气。

3. **富贵花卉**:如兰花、蝴蝶兰等,被认为能够象征富贵和繁荣,有助于提升财运。

4. **健康花卉**:如吊兰、仙人掌等,具有绿色植物的清新气息,有助于增强健康气场。

5. **艺术花卉**:如蓝罂粟、艳丽的郁金香等,美丽的花朵能够增添房间的艺术氛围,提升生活品质。



Geomantic on think, do not have different attribute and effect with phyletic flower, the choice suits the flowers with him geomantic room to be able to have the effect of field of beautification environment, harmonic gas. Generally speaking, the following kinds of flowers are in geomantic go up to be thought beneficial:

1.** of ** lucky flowers: Be like lucky orchid, lucky chrysanthemum, be thought to be able to bring the energy of life of lucky He Jixiang.

2.** of ** fresh flowers: Wait like flower of jasmine flower, orange, can bring pure and fresh and delightful breath, conduce to slow mood, purify air.

3.** of flowers of ** riches and honour: Wait like orchid, butterfly orchid, be thought to be able to symbolize riches and honour and prosperity, conduce to promotion money carry.

4.** of ** healthy flowers: Wait like bracketplant, cacti, have the pure and fresh flavor of greenery, conduce to enhance healthy gas field.

5.** of ** artistic flowers: Wait like blue opium poppy, gorgeous tulip, beautiful flower can add the artistic atmosphere of the room, promote the life quality.

The most important is the flowers that according to the adornment of individual be fond of and room the style chooses to suit, let them make the ornament of the room and decoration, add a happiness for the life.
