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1. **准备神位:**选择一个适当的位置来设置神位,最好是一个安静、清洁的地方。可以在桌子或架子上放置一个小神龛或供桌。

2. **准备供品:**根据神的属性和你的信仰,准备好合适的供品。这些供品可以包括水、食物、蜡烛、鲜花、水果、香等。确保供品的质量和清洁。

3. **清洁仪式:**在叠神位之前,清洁神位和周围的区域。可以使用清水或香烟进行净化。

4. **安放神像或画像:**根据你所信仰的神,将神像或画像放置在神位上方的合适位置。确保神像或画像摆放端庄,尊敬神明。

5. **摆放供品:**将准备好的供品摆放在神位前。按照特定的仪式或传统,可以将供品摆放在神像前或神位周围。

6. **祈祷和献礼:**在摆放供品之后,进行祈祷和献礼。表达对神的敬意、感恩之情和祈求神的保佑。可以使用口头祈祷或阅读特定的经文。

7. **保持敬畏心态:**在整个仪式期间,保持敬畏和虔诚的心态。尊重神明,认真对待祭祀活动。

8. **定期维护:**保持神位的清洁和整洁,定期更换供品,并持续进行祈祷和献礼,以维持与神的联系和关系。



The god that folds consecrate when, it is certain to need to abide by normally formal with measure. It is general guideline below:

1.** prepares a god: ** chooses a proper place to set a mind, had better be a quiet, clean place. Niche of a demigod or altar can be placed on table or frame.

2.** plans offerings: The attribute of ** basis god and your belief, prepare appropriate offerings. These offerings can include water, food, candle, flower, fruit, sweet etc. Ensure the quality of offerings and cleanness.

3.** clean ceremony: ** is folding a god before, clean god with the area all round. Can use clear water or cigarette to undertake depurative.

4.** puts God or picture: ** basis the god of your place belief, place God or draw a portrait in the god the proper place of upper part. Ensure God or picture are put dignified, respect deities.

5.** puts offerings: ** puts ready offerings in the god before. According to specific ceremony or tradition, can put offerings be before God or god all round.

6.** prays and tribute: After ** is putting offerings, undertake prayer mixing tribute. Express the pair of magical devoir, affection that be thankful and invocatory spirit bless. Can make viva voce prays or read specific lection.

7.** maintains awe-stricken state of mind: ** is during whole ceremony, keep awe-stricken with devotional state of mind. Esteem deities, treat sacred activity seriously.

8.** safeguards regularly: ** maintains a spirit cleanness and neat, change regularly offerings, undertake prayer mixing continuously tribute, in order to maintain the connection with the god and relationship.

Above is the god that folds consecrate commonly basic measure, specific ceremony and measure may because of different religious belief or tradition differ somewhat.
