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1. **吉祥花**:在中国文化中,吉祥花象征着好运和吉祥。常见的吉祥花包括四季开花的桂花和菊花。

2. **绿萝**:绿萝是一种常见的室内植物,被认为能够吸引财富和好运。它也被认为能够净化空气,增加室内空气品质。

3. **金钱树**:金钱树是一种受欢迎的室内植物,据说能够招财进宝。其圆硕的叶片形状象征着金币,因此被认为能够带来财富和繁荣。

4. **翠竹**:在中国文化中,翠竹被视为吉祥之物,象征着健康、长寿和幸福。它也常被用来装饰家居,并被认为能够带来好运。

5. **幸福树**:幸福树是一种常见的室内植物,据说能够吸引好运和幸福。它有着独特的叶片形状,常被用来装饰家居。



Cultivate the flowers in the home to be mixed with its beauty normally can add interior atmosphere to love for people place. A few be thought can flourishing curtilage, enrol money or bring lucky flowers to include:

1.** of ** lucky flower: In Chinese culture, lucky flower is indicative lucky He Jixiang. Common lucky flower includes the sweet-scented osmanthus that the four seasons blossoms and chrysanthemum.

2.** of ** green trailing plants: Green trailing plants is a kind of common houseplant, be thought to be able to attract fortune become reconciled to carry. It also is thought to be able to purify air, increase indoor air quality.

3.** money cultivates ** : Monetary tree is a kind of welcome houseplant, can enrol money to enter treasure allegedly. The blade appearance of its circle large is indicative gold coin, be thought to be able to bring fortune and prosperity accordingly.

4.** of ** green banboos: In Chinese culture, green banboos is regarded as lucky other people, indicative health, long life and happiness. It often also is used to adornment household, be thought to be able to be brought lucky.

5.** happiness cultivates ** : Happy tree is a kind of common houseplant, can attract allegedly lucky with happiness. It is having unique blade figure, often be used to adornment household.

Nevertheless, the choice cultivates which kinds of painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style or depend on the individual's be fond of and household environment. No matter choose which kinds of painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, want to notice to give proper illumination, moisture and fertilizer, in order to ensure they can thrive.
