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1. **选择合适的日期和时间**:根据农历或阳历的特殊日期来选择一个适合的时间。这通常是在孩子出生后的一段时间内进行。

2. **准备供品**:准备一些适合供奉的物品,如水果、糖果、鲜花、香烛等。根据你的宗教信仰或传统,可能还需要特定的祭品。

3. **准备牌位**:如果你家中有祖先牌位或供奉牌位的地方,可以在那里为孩子设置一个新的牌位。否则,你可以选择一个清静的地方,放置一块小木板或纸牌,用以供奉孩子的灵魂。

4. **进行供奉仪式**:根据你的宗教信仰或传统习俗,进行相应的供奉仪式。这可能包括祷告、燃香、献上祭品等。

5. **保持敬意**:在供奉牌位的过程中,保持敬意和专注。这是一种对逝去孩子的纪念,也是对家族传统的延续。



Giving child consecrate memorial tablet is a basis normally religious belief of the family or culture are consuetudinary will undertake. Generally speaking, you can finish according to the following measure:

1.** chooses likely date and time ** : Will choose a suitable time according to the special date of the traditional Chinese calendar or solar calendar. This is to be in normally child postnatal undertakes inside period of time.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Prepare a few article that suit consecrate, wait like fruit, candied, flower, joss sticks and candles. According to your religious belief or tradition, the likelihood still needs specific oblation.

3.** prepares memorial tablet ** : If there is the place of ancestral memorial tablet or consecrate memorial tablet in your home, a new memorial tablet can be installed for the child over. Otherwise, you can choose a quiet place, lay a small board or card, the soul of child of consecrate of in order to.

4.** undertakes consecrate ceremony ** : The religious belief according to you or tradition are consuetudinary, undertake corresponding consecrate ceremony. This may include prayer, light sweet, display on oblation.

5.** maintains devoir ** : In the process of consecrate memorial tablet, maintain devoir and dedicated. This is a kind of souvenir to parting child, also be the continuance of pair of familial traditions.

After completing these step, you can be child consecrate memorial tablet, commemorate their presence with this.
