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1. 将香炉放置在供奉遗像的前面,确保香炉稳固。
2. 打开香盖,将一柱香插入香炉中的香槽里。
3. 用火柴点燃香,等待片刻,确保香火稳定。
4. 在点燃香后,将双手合十,表达虔诚之意。
5. 缓缓将双手抬起,以手心向上的姿势,将香插向供奉的遗像,可以轻轻摇动香,表示敬意。
6. 将香插在香炉中,并等待香烟缭绕,表示香已燃烧。



Go up sweet when, want to prepare a pair of censer above all, one column is sweet with match. Undertake according to the following measure next:

1.Place censer before in consecrate portrait of the deceased, ensure censer is firm.
2.Open sweet lid, one column sweet in the sweet chamfer in inserting censer.
3.Ignite with match sweet, await moment, ensure burning incense is stable.
4.Igniting sweet hind, both hands put the palms together, express sincere desire.
5.Slowly raise both hands, with control up pose, will sweet the portrait of the deceased that is inserted to consecrate, can shake gently move sweet, show respect.
6.Will sweet in be being inserted in censer, await cigarette to wind around, express sweet already burned.

In whole process, retain cherish respect, pray silently or be the affection of the longing that conveys pair of person that die. After finishing, can put the palms together of will double hand, signal ends.
