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1. **方位:** 根据信仰和风俗,供奉纸人通常摆放在特定的方位,比如东方或西方等。

2. **摆放位置:** 通常会选择一个安静、清洁的地方,如家庭的神龛、祭坛或特定的祭祀场所。

3. **摆放方式:** 可根据供奉纸人的类型和信仰习俗进行选择。有些可能是坐着、站立或跪拜的姿势。

4. **陪衬物品:** 有时供奉纸人会搭配其他供品,如鲜花、香烛、水果等,以示尊敬和祭奠。

5. **敬拜方式:** 在摆放供奉纸人时,人们通常会进行简短的祈祷或敬拜仪式,以示尊重和虔诚。



The way that consecrate paper person puts because of different belief and circumstance differ somewhat. Generally speaking, what when putting consecrate paper person, need to respect place is consuetudinary with the tradition. A few run-of-mill guidance are as follows:

1.** azimuth: ** is mixed according to belief custom, consecrate paper person is put normally in specific azimuth, for instance east or west.

2.** puts the position: ** can choose a quiet, clean place normally, be like domestic shrine, altar or specific sacred place.

3.** puts way: ** can be mixed according to the type of consecrate paper person devotional and consuetudinary undertake choosing. Some may be to sitting, stand or the pose of worship on bended knees.

4.** foil article: ** sometimes consecrate paper person will be tie-in other offerings, wait like flower, joss sticks and candles, fruit, in order to show respect and hold a memorial ceremony for.

5.Means of ** Jing Bai: When ** is putting consecrate paper person, people can undertake prayer briefly normally or respect the type that do obeisance to appearance, be respected in order to show and devotional.

As a whole, put consecrate paper person to need to follow corresponding religion or tradition consuetudinary, state to its esteem is mixed awe-stricken.
