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1. **选址:** 选择一个清静、尊敬的地方供奉神像,最好是在家中的神龛或者供奉神灵的专门区域。确保神像摆放的位置整洁干净。

2. **祭品:** 在关羽神像前摆放香、花、水果、茶叶等供品。这些供品表示对关羽的尊敬和敬意。可以根据个人的习惯和信仰选择供品。

3. **祭拜仪式:** 祭拜时可以轻轻点燃香火,合十跪拜或者行三鞠躬礼,表达虔诚的心意。在祭拜时可以默念祈祷或者诵读经文,向关羽祈求保佑和庇护。

4. **定期祭祀:** 定期为关羽神像祭祀是一种尊敬和信仰的表达。可以选择每月、每季或者每年的特定日子进行祭祀,以示对神灵的敬意和感恩之情。

5. **保持清洁:** 定期清洁关羽神像,保持其清洁整洁,表达对神灵的尊敬和敬意。



Guan Yu is the equipment in Chinese traditional culture suffers one of esteeming deities. Consecrate closes a God to need a few ceremonies and note normally:

1.** optional location: ** chooses the local consecrate God of a quiet, respect, had better be the shrine in the home or the special section of consecrate deities. The position that ensures God is put is shipshape.

2.** oblation: ** puts the offerings such as sweet, flower, fruit, tea before closing a God. These offerings show the respect to Guan Yu and respect. Can choose offerings according to the individual's habit and belief.

3.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: Burning incense can be ignited gently when ** hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, worship on bended knees of put the palms together perhaps goes 3 bow ceremony, express devotional intention. OK when hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to silent reads aloud pray or chant lection,

4.** is fixed and sacred: ** is Guan Yu regularly God is sacred the expression that is a kind of respect and belief. Can choose the specific date with every month, every annual perhaps season to undertake sacred, in order to show the devoir to deities and the sentiment that be thankful.

5.** keeps clean: ** fixed cleanness closes a God, maintain its clean and neat, express the respect to deities and respect.

Above is the common measure that consecrate passes a God and note, be of course in real operation is OK also undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to the individual's belief and habit.
