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1. **选择供奉地点**:在家中选择一个安静、清洁的地方供奉蛇,可以是一个特别的祭坛或供桌。

2. **准备供品**:供品可以包括水、鲜花、水果、香烛等,具体选择可以根据个人喜好和当地习俗。

3. **设置蛇像或符号**:可以在供奉地点放置一尊蛇的雕像、画像或其他代表蛇的符号,作为蛇的象征。

4. **祭拜仪式**:在特定的时间进行祭拜仪式,可以点燃香烛,敬奉供品,并诵读祈祷或赞美词。

5. **持续供奉**:根据个人信仰和习惯,可以每天、每周或每月都进行供奉,以示敬意和感恩。



The kind that consecrate snake needs to follow a few traditions normally and consuetudinary, but particular way is possible because of culture and individual belief different. It is the means of general consecrate snake below:

1.** chooses consecrate place ** : The local consecrate snake of a quiet, cleanness chooses in the home, can be a special altar or altar.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Offerings can include water, flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles to wait, specific choice can be mixed according to individual be fond of place is consuetudinary.

3.** installs anguine resembling or symbolic ** : The sign of the statuary, picture of one honour snake or other delegate snake can be placed in consecrate place, those who serve as a snake is indicative.

4.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ceremonial ** : Undertake in specific time hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony, can ignite joss sticks and candles, piously worship offerings, chant prays or praise word.

5.** lasts consecrate ** : According to individual belief and habit, can everyday, weekly or undertake consecrate every months, with showing devoir is mixed be thankful.

Ask an attention, these are the means of general consecrate snake only, particular way may be mixed because of culture of individual belief, district traditional and differ somewhat. Before the consecrate that has any forms, what had better know clear place first is consuetudinary with the tradition.
