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1. **准备供品**:可以选择水果、糖果、酒等作为供品,也可以使用成吉思汗的画像或雕像作为代表。

2. **选择供奉场所**:可以在家中设置一个祭坛或供桌,选择一个安静的地方。

3. **点燃香烛**:在祭坛上点燃香烛,表示对成吉思汗的敬意和祈祷。

4. **祈祷**:向成吉思汗祈祷,表达敬意并希望得到保佑。可以念诵传统的祈祷文或自己的祈祷词。

5. **供品献上**:将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛上,表示虔诚地供奉给成吉思汗。

6. **诚心祈愿**:在心中默默祈祷,表达自己的愿望和希望。

7. **结束祭祀**:祈祷结束后,熄灭香烛,清理祭坛,表示祭祀的结束。



Into Jisaihan (say hophornbeam is true again) the author that is Mongolia empire, be regarded as the great hero of Mongolia nation. Consecrate often can follow the following move into Jisaihantong:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Can choose fruit, candied, wine to wait as offerings, the picture that also can use Jisaihan or statuary as the delegate.

2.** chooses consecrate place ** : An altar or altar can be installed in the home, choose a quiet place.

3.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited on altar, the respect that expresses to think of sweat to becoming auspicious and pray.

4.** prays ** : To Cheng Jisai sweat prays, express respect and hope to get blessing. Can recite traditional pray prayer or oneself pray word.

5.** offerings displays on ** : Put ready offerings go up in altar, express piously consecrate gives Cheng Jisai sweat.

6.** sincere desire is invocatory ** : Pray silently in the heart, express oneself desire and hope.

7.** ends sacred ** : Pray after the end, extinguish joss sticks and candles, clear altar, represent sacred end.

Above becomes Jisaihan's move for general consecrate only, real operation can be mixed according to the individual's belief the habit undertakes adjustment.
