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1. **供奉神像或画像**:在家中或寺庙里摆放鲁智深的神像或画像,表示尊敬和敬仰。

2. **祭祀和献香**:定期或特殊节日,可以给鲁智深进行祭祀,燃香献花,表达虔诚之情。

3. **诵读经文或颂词**:可以诵读关于鲁智深的经文或颂词,以表达敬意和祈愿。

4. **奉献供品**:在祭祀时,可以奉献食品、水果等供品,作为对鲁智深的供养。

5. **心诚则灵**:无论采取何种方式,最重要的是心诚则灵,真诚地表达对鲁智深的尊敬和信仰。



Consecrate Lu Zhi can be mixed greatly according to the individual's belief the habit undertakes, have the following kinds of kind normally:

1.** consecrate God or picture ** : Be in the home or Lu Zhi's deep God or picture are put in cloister, express to respect and revere.

2.** is sacred He Xianxiang ** : Fixed or special red-letter day, can give Lu Zhi deep undertake sacred, light sweet present a flower, express religious feeling.

3.** chant lection or eulogy ** : Can chant about Lu Zhi's deep lection or eulogy, with expression devoir is mixed invocatory.

4.** of ** consecratory offerings: Be in sacred when, the offerings such as OK and consecratory food, fruit, as deep to Lu Zhi make offerings toing.

5.** heart sincere clever ** : Why to no matter adopt,plant means, the most important is a heart sincere clever, express deep to Lu Zhi respect and belief sincerely.

Consecrate Lu Zhi's late kind because of individual belief and culture tradition different, can choose right kind to undertake consecrate according to his circumstance.
