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1. "永世铭心,岁月长存,纪念者永垂不朽。"
2. "忠诚永恒,记忆永存,怀念者心间永远。"
3. "岁月流转,情感永存,纪念者精神永远矗立。"
4. "石像昭示,情感流淌,纪念者永远怀念。"
5. "石像永恒,纪念长存,怀念者心灵永相随。"
6. "纪念石像,岁月见证,感恩永铭心。"
7. "岁月留痕,情感不灭,纪念者永驻心间。"
8. "石像凝视,思念流淌,纪念者永远长存。"
9. "怀念之情,石像永守,纪念者永远怀念。"
10. "纪念石像,感激永存,怀念者心系永远。"



If consecrate commemorates stone resembles, can express the feeling of the respect of pair of person that be commemorated and yearning. It is the Orphean view that a few consecrate mark to stone resembles below:

1."Aeon imprints on the mind, years lives forever, the person that commemorate immortal. The person that commemorate immortal..
2."Faithfulness is lasting, memorial perpetuation, between heart of the person that yearn for forever. Between heart of the person that yearn for forever..
3."Years is on the move, affection perpetuation, spirit of the person that commemorate stands tall and upright forever. Spirit of the person that commemorate stands tall and upright forever..
4."Stone resembles declare publicly, affection shedding drips, the person that commemorate is yearned for forever. The person that commemorate is yearned for forever..
5."Stone resembles eternity, souvenir lives forever, heart of the person that yearn for always is followed. Heart of the person that yearn for always is followed..
6."Commemorate stone resembles, years testimony, be thankful to always imprint on the mind. Be thankful to always imprint on the mind..
7."Years leaves mark, affection is eternal, the person that commemorate always is stationed in a heart. The person that commemorate always is stationed in a heart..
8."Stone resembles staring, longing shedding drips, the person that commemorate lives forever forever. The person that commemorate lives forever forever..
9."The affection of the yearning, shi Xiangyong is defended, the person that commemorate is yearned for forever. The person that commemorate is yearned for forever..
10."Commemorate stone resembles, appreciate perpetuation, heart of the person that yearn for is fastened forever. Heart of the person that yearn for is fastened forever..

These views expressed the be yearned for deeply and respects feeling of pair of person that be commemorated, the hope can help you.
