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1. 准备供品:通常包括水果、鲜花、香烛等。可以选择新鲜的水果和花朵,以及纯净的香烛。

2. 准备供桌:在一个干净整洁的地方摆放一张供桌,上面放上供品。

3. 点燃香烛:用火点燃香烛,向观世音供养香火,表示虔诚之意。

4. 祈祷念诵:可以默念或诵读观世音菩萨的经文或咒语,表达诚心祈愿。

5. 献上供品:将准备好的水果、鲜花等摆放在供桌上,表示虔诚地供养给观世音菩萨。

6. 表达感恩:在心中表达对观世音菩萨的感恩之情,以及对其护佑的信心和感激之情。



Consecrate watchs world sound to be able to adopt the following measure:

1.Plan offerings: Include fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles to wait normally. Can choose fresh fruit and flower, and pure joss sticks and candles.

2.Prepare altar: In clean and neat place puts a piece of credence, offerings is put above.

3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles with fire, make offerings to to Guan Shiyin burning incense, express sincere desire.

4.Pray recite: Can the lection that silent reads aloud or chant watchs world sound a term applied to a kindhearted person or abracadabra, expressive sincere desire is invocatory.

5.Display on offerings: Wait for ready fruit, flower put go up in altar, express to make offerings to piously Bodhisattva of the sound that observe a life.

6.Expression is thankful: The be thankful feeling of Bodhisattva of pair of the sound that observe a life is expressed in the heart, and the faith that protects bless to its and appreciative sentiment.

Above is the common step of consecrate Guan Shiyin, but practice way is possible be used to because of devotional tradition, individual and differ somewhat.
